Why Is The Average Casual So Complacent Or Even Happy About The 30 Instance Cap

It is not big, and only affects the fringe individuals running instances to a ludicrous extent. It is Not a problem for everyone but that fringe group.

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One must first believe that Owns actually plays classic and is not just in this forum to troll.

Let’s see.

It reduces the amount of excessive boosting, farming and botting that can happen. It evens out the playing field.


Here he goes again!




Misadventure never fails to entertain.

Even blizzard stated that it was only a small number of players. But hey, you do you.

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Wait a minute, are you telling me that you believe the company that has logs and systems to monitor this game over all the conspiracy theorists and RMT/gold farmers?!?!?!

Oh wait. Sorry. That does make sense now that I typed it out. :wink:



I agree. I hate hyperbole. According to blizzard it’s only a handful of players. A handful is less than a group even if it’s only a fringe group. Misadventure please stop exaggerating the number of players affected.

They’re not necessarily saying that. The more accurate way to put it is that we’re willing to accept the trade-off of running 30 instances a day, which is already insanely high, in exchange for slowing botters down so that they can be banned before becoming profitable. Sorry that it ruins your crazy routine, but sacrifices had to be made.

Please reread what they said. The intent is to slow each character’s leveling down so they have time to ban them before they become profitable. Leveling multiple characters doesn’t magically speed all the others up.

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Disagree. I don’t think a single legitimate player’s experience should be sacrificed for a change that ultimately does not limit bots at all, especially with the new change making the caps per character.

Now bots can actually do MORE instance farming than ever before. Does it inconvenience them to level another character to do it? Absolutely not, because they’re not real people. They don’t care about having to level up another character; they just do it.

So what if it only covers a set of bots? Do we remove alarms from banks because they aren’t preventing identity theft? Different bots require different prevention strategies. You can’t just pick a single one and call the problem solved.


How does farming MPC, SGC, HoJ, or BoED have any affect on any other player? It doesn’t…and those types of farms are pretty much the only reason people are hitting 30+ limits.

Again, you can’t farm instances if your leveling has slowed to the point that you get banned before becoming profitable. How is a banned account farming more instances than before? So what if I they create four times as many characters? $0 profit times four characters is still $0 profit.

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We’re complacent because it doesn’t affect the average player at all. It only affects the super powergamers.

That’s simply not happening, though. Blizzard doesn’t detect and ban bots in less than a day. It takes them weeks, if not months.

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Some reasons:

  • Too much gold in the economy. This comes from both gold sellers and folks exploiting dungeon mechanics
  • Boosts take levelers out of the world. Classic was supposed to be a “community” game where grouping up and being social was a thing. Elite quests and dungeons fit that to a T. If you have people being boosted, they’re essentially going AFK for a few minutes while someone clears a dungeon. Lather, rinse, repeat. It’s actually cheating, if you think about it
  • Druids and their MCP. I love hearing druids cry over the MCP. Seriously… find something else to do with your time!

If toons can’t be boosted, they can’t level fast. If an account is banned for botting, someone will have to start a new one and level the toon. This takes a fair amount of time, as it should for EVERYONE PLAYING (it’s classic… remember?) It’s a deterrent to keep bots from coming back.

Want fast leveling and “better balance?” Retail :arrow_right:


Do you have any data to support this? Because all of Blizzard’s post seem to suggest otherwise. That’s a completely false narrative, they ban bots daily.

You think all these bot accounts that are banned daily are months old? Not a chance.


I already have a 60. I earned the gold and resources to be able to boost.

Because some players are salty that they didn’t make a farming class and can’t efficiently farm gold. Players want to whine about mages making so much, make a mage and join the fun. But instead they are lazy and would rather see the fun driven out for other players to appease themselves. Most likely the ones that cried for ICC to get nerfed or other content because it was just too hard for them. Garbage player base with no skill.

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