Why is the Alliance around

That might make sense from a lore perspective, but mechanically, that would be a nightmare.

You’re insane if you think that. You’d just have 4 groups complaining about their faction getting overlooked and bias towards the other factions instead of 2.

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Eh, that’s already happening. Perhaps with 4 factions people would at least stop complaining about “Alliance being all about humans”. As for the Forsaken, they were kinda… barely Horde anyway.


Yeah, but then you get the further lore breaking nonsense of…if you take all the evil guys out of the Horde and make them their own faction, it becomes even MORE ridiculous that the other 3 factions don’t just get together and end them completely the first time they go and do an atrocity.

It becomes even less believable that they’d still be able to hold their own, and less believable that everyone else would just stop before finishing them off.

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Hmmm. Maybe have Calia as a counterbalance? I know Forsaken fans hate her, but perhaps with her at the helm they wouldn’t be the “evil ones”.
Then again, plenty of people loved evil Forsaken, so that would be spitting into their face.

I’m just rambling. I’m tired of red vs. blu, I guess, so I want it spiced up.

Foresaken are dark. And that’s good. Calia will never represent them the right her. I hope she steps on the Lego.

They do. Threats pop up constantly that are better handled together. This has been a constant of the Warcraft setting for some time.

Kind of a naïve take to view taking in refugees as a strict waste.

As I said patterns exists, That does mean it is the same thing.

An Alliance stronghold is destroyed(Stormwind, Theramore, Darnassus) the Horde warchief is betrayed on the cusp of victory, and then we go to another world to deal with another threat. A pattern that has repeated since Warcraft 1.

The who, how, why and their ultimate impacts have always been different. In BfA’s case, the main difference is now the Alliance is less united then ever, the Horde has now changed its system of government and unlike in previous iterations are willing to give the Alliance some of its own citizens(Sira) to appease the Alliance.

You place a literal emotional landmine to support your argument. Funny how story meta that is to what the night elves keep doing.


Yes this is probably the best justification to be a jerk.
Like I said you are a clearly horrible person. And really sad. I feel pitty for you somehow …

Yeah, a manipulative tactic I’m thankful doesn’t come up too often.

They’ve only included the personal history so any disagreement is an ‘attack’. Which we’re seeing play out.

There was literally no way to answer your statement withour turing me into a bad guy for you.

I would also point out if you actually read my statement in a non-emotion way it was never a jab at you. It was a jab at how I feel the night elf who keep arguing the Alliance sucked for not doing more when it had little choice but to focus on more important tasks. Task that would ultimately still benefit the night elves.

Had Tyrande just waited until after Zandalar she would have had a much easier time to retake Darkshore with an entire Kul Tiran navy backing her up


You clearly did an ad hominem. If you woudl have sticked to just discussion the lore or game situation everything would have been fine.
you can have your opinion on it and I don’t have to agree.

However you made it an attack against NE players not against NEs or the story you like or dislike.
So stop pretending otherwise here.

You… literally just called him a jerk and a horrible person and he’s the one using ad hominem?
Not the first time either you did this btw when people disagreed with you.
Seriously, get a grip. The only person here who is constantly attacking others is you.


I have learned not to let people off with that and give things back.

Not going to lie if Azeroth really needed the Alliance and Horde then it would not be carried on third parties like, The ebon blade in shadowlands and the Covenants, The argent Crusade in Wotlk, and the Order halls in Legion, In legion they even say that the Horde and Alliance have failed so they go on to use a replacement. The Horde an Alliance even take a backseat role for the most part in 8.3 against N’zoth a threat to the world itself. The ones to defend the world against N’zoth are heroes acting with other parties like the dragon flights and Magni. It’s the same with the Legion where heroes as a order hall worked with the Army of the Light and Illidan to take down the Legion (This is before they joined the Alliance). Don’t get me wrong I love the Alliance and Horde, two superpowers always at war is what helped me get into the lore, but the lore as it stands now is “Let’s be frenemies”

Unfortunately it has allways been like that for some reasons. Simply because Blizzard escalated the faction war to a normally unforgiving extend but then have had actors within it and faction forget about it and then did it again for the 3rd time now …

Now it looks and feels rediculous and gimicky. So blizzard had to escalate even further and further…
I wonder how they want to escalate after genocide and burning children …

I would agree it’s always been like that, except in mop we has some crazy stuff happen that puts bfa to shame imo, and in warcraft 2 and 1 they were not frenemies they were straight trying to butcher each other. You can say yeah it’s not the same horde it’s a new horde or it’s not the same alliance but these gruop were built on top of those groups and even take some of their founding opinions and members into their folds. In classic one of the orcs that send you into Rage fire carvens is a warlock trainer and is leading the searing blade clan down there. Of course he is dead but thrall knew of him and several other lore things that would have made a good reason in the future to go to war. Yet they took those ideas and threw them out the window or ignore them.

Ultimately the strength and weakness of the Horde is that it gives everyone a second chance. Orgrimmar is a place where a lot of people have very dark things in their past, and a lot of people probably pride themselves on not asking questions.

I think that’s why Sylvanas has always gotten the soft touch from Orgrimmar; as unpleasant as she is, she’s never worshipped demons, and she’s never driven another race to the point of genocide (until BfA, at least).

I’m feeling conflicted about my earlier comment now. I think seeing that interaction play out just kinda hit me in a bad way, but I admittedly can’t say I disagree with your sentiment I quoted. At the same time, I can’t help but sympathize with Liira’s original comment because I know I’ve been spewing my broken brain over the forum over the past two years too.

I should have either just said nothing or done something more tactful than trying to ding you over it. Sorry.


Look, I have played WoW long enough to know how angry one can get at the story. The glacial pacing of the story has never been conducive to moments when Blizzard tears the factions a new one because it takes years for the positive beats to the story to actually manifest. But they do end up manifesting, usually in unexpected ways. If you told me Jaina would end up leader of Kul Tiras back in cata/MoP I would have given you a stink eye.

I never did. You decided to interpret it that way. And if you recall we were discussing the game situation, particularly how Blizzard think the Alliance is a family. A different family from the Horde by every stench of the imagination and hardly perfect, but I doubt it was ever suppose to be like the way you describe yours.

  1. I never made it against the NE players, at worse it is against a certain type of NE player whining. 2) if you would know me at all , the least you would know I’m probably the most pro-Alliance poster here on the forums. Hoping anything bad happens to the night elves(or any Alliance race) or being too callus is antithetical to me.However blaming all the problems the night elves have on the very people who have done their best to help them(and keep everyone safe) get very grating after a while.
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How can this be differently interpreted, how can you be even more dismissing against peoples emotions and feelings towards something that clearly is extremely important to them and how can you b chosing your words even more belittleing?

Or this:

Did you really not see an issue here?! At all?
So just stop trying to pretend you was just nice and funny and didn’t do nothing.

I just made an comparison and you just chose to step on me for no reason or necessity, you chose to be a jerk just for the sake of it making it even about something as irrelevant as “winning” an argument.
News for you, I don’t dicuss here to win over someone, but to share my personal opinion, stance and viewpoint.
And I am also not afrait to show that some things get me involved emotionally very harshly, if you have to interprete it as an act of aggression towards your ambitions to win on the internet, well that is your problem.

But don’t act as if you have just been nice and friendy and are now called out completely unjustified.
Scroll up this thread and look at it. Reflect it a bit maybe.

You just attacked me on a personal level, NE players and my intentions for no reason at all. Just because I refused to accept your point of view. I didn’t even argue with you, just denying it.
You did that because I dared to blame a fictive character or faction within the story. You crossed the lines here.

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