Why is the alliance allowed to have a single ruler

She was very excited for her raid invite, Skarm, stop shaming her for it!!!

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I guess she really wanted that caster staff that drops off Deathbringer Saurfang.

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The highking didn´t make any sense, and it was changed after an impact of negative feedback and pressure on the devs because no one on the alliance liked this, it should be a tool to make the alliance more “interesting”(in the eyes of the writer, to make it easier to write), but the fanbase was “fu” and so they backpaddeled and went to the “Supreme alliance” explanation.

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Why not? As a fan of Suikoden I have no qualms about a figure head commander who happens to be a teen.

It’s hilarious to me (though not that surprising actually) that the tribal faction is more democratic than the highly advanced western-ish faction. Really fits the multiracial identity of the Horde at the end of the day. The Alliance might not be ruled by Anduin per say but it’s def heavily centralized around Stormwind.

Only thing the Horde council lacks now is a seat for the non-playable Horde races (Taunka, Ogres, Hozen mainly). It’s a bit lame that the story gravitates around the player character so hard.

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Stormwind is a literal metropolitan city with every race in the Alliance living in it. The fact is, the Alliance has always been more democratic. None of us ever had the whole “oath to the Warchief” deal and if any member of the Alliance doesnt like what Anduin does they can simply not support him, as shown by Tyrande and by the dwarves to Varian back in the day.

Anduin power is dependent on support from others. He can’t really force anyone to do anything they don’t agree with at least on a fundamental level.


So is Orgrimmar though.

Yes, it absolutely was up until now, no doubt about that. But now the Horde is undeniably more democratic. I’d also like to say that the “oath to the Warchief” had been feeling outdated for ages, way before the Council was created.
Something funny is that the “Horde tour” done by Zekhan and Rexxar in Exploring Kalimdor completely mirrors what Anduin did with several Alliance nations in Before the Storm. My guess is that’s intended to illustrate the Horde’s democratic turnaround.

True. Leading the military (and probably being in charge of accepting or refusing new members) is quite the role though. Especially since Anduin WILL make decisions involving the military against everyone’s opinion (see the Gathering). Also, Alliance nations can decide to act against his advice, but then they won’t receive any further support regarding that situation (see the Kaldorei’s offensive and refusal of the armistice).

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Shot in the dark here, but my guess would be, because he’s the King of Stormwind, and Stormwind is the major backbone of the Alliance’s military.

That’s all I can speculate, because otherwise it makes absolutely no sense that someone like Anduin is the Supreme Allied Commander, when people like Tyrande, Shandris, Muradin, Turalyon, Alleria, Fareeya, etc… are walking around.


Darkshore happened prior to Tyrande refusing to recognize the treaty.

Also, this moment is kind of glossed over too much. It is literally the moment Sylvanas’ strategy is successful. It is Tyrande violating the alliance and undermining the authority of the High King.

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thats not right. The treaty must be accepted by every political leader because the high king have onle access to the troops given to him, and only military power, so every nation in the alliance can say “no, we want to kill more hordies” and the highking can´t do anything.

Tyrande asked for troops, her request was denied, so she went alone and said F you to Anduin, and the entire night warrior arc start. So, in this moment, the highkings desiccion have no power anymore regarding the night elfs.


The Night Warrior arc happens in the Darkshore patch which was prior to the Mok Gora which preceded the treaty, which preceded Tyrande saying she would only recognize a treaty signed in the Banshee’s blood.

Maybe I’m mistaken, but if so, that’s Blizzard’s fault.

Furthermore, I just want to make sure Im following this conversation… I said Sylvanas succeeded in tearing the Alliance apart by causing Tyrande to reject Anduin’s authority. You say Im wrong, because Tyrande rejected Anduin’s authority with cause. Is that right?

It did not undermine his authority, because to do so he would have to have that authority in the first place. The Highking can ask for troops, but not demand them; politically, he has exactly zero power over the other nations.

And if a nation says no, the Highking can try to convince, but he has no means or tools of his mandate that would allow him to demand those troops or that obedience.

And Tyrande showed him clearly…showed the entire playerbase, to denie the fellowship to the highking is something that occured without further consequence

I say you are wrong because you assume that the Highking has some form of authority over the alliance as a whole, or another leader, something that is just not right.


If it was up to me I’d riddle the Alliance full of blood thirsty nobles, looking to screw each other over for higher positions of power in the Alliance.


…because theirs doesn’t keep trying to murder everyone?

Like, monarchies aren’t great in general. But the Alliance has at least managed to not **** everything up with theirs.

I love that the “evil” faction is now a democracy while the the “good” faction is still a monarchy.

Democracy fits better with the ideal of Thrall’s Horde anyway. As a group of disparate misfits coming together for mutual benefit.


Oligarchy. No one voted for the Horde Council.


High King of the Alliance is really a title without any weight. We’ve already seen Tyrande snub the boy king and say “you’re naive and foolish we will not do this”. Alliance races aren’t obliged to obey the king of stormwind.

And they were so close with Moira being just that seeing how she was behind the fake Hammer of the High King and wanted to alienate the Wildhammer. She locked the entirety of Ironforge down and all we got was the scenario Blood in the Snow and some minor side quests. We had essentially a civil war, Anduin kidnapped and a team of SI: 7 lead by Varian that came close to assassinating Moira. That would have made for a terrific quest or dungeon.


Just imagine if Blizzard’s focus on the factions wasn’t “how can we make them fight each other for two patches”, but instead “how can we make them interesting individually over the next two patches”? Because this right here would be a story campaign I’d play through in a heartbeat. I’d roll a dwarf just to play it as a dwarf.


Yeah, getting rid of “every man for himself” was a serious hit to the story. You cant make everyone friends until right before the climax… then the next step is denouement.

Official weight. It’s a weakness of the Alliance, that “stupid Sylvanas” knew could be exploited. Sylvanas was correct that Anduin didn’t have the gravitas or authority that could carry the Alliance through a war.

The High King may not inherit authority. But he needs authority just the same.