Why is the alliance allowed to have a single ruler

Genuinely a question that infuriates me about BFA writing. What is the problem with it is none of the horde members point out the hypocrisy in having them form a council yet they allow a single person to rule the alliance.


Anduin doesn’t rule the whole Alliance. I mean Tyrande went F you to Anduin and went to reclaim Darkshore.

The Alliance is already a council in some regard. It is just most councils in fiction and even in real life has a leader (like how the Mayor is the leader of a local government. I.e. a city council). That leader happens to be Anduin because of reasons.


Great but he’s still referred to as high king meaning he makes all the choices the alliance follows.


He does not.

  1. The Alliance definitely shouldn’t have a singular leader and the fact the Horde got a council is a WIN for them and just another point against the Alliance.

  2. The Alliance leader is nothing like the Horde leader, he only makes decisions regarding the Alliance military and I guess has ultimate say on who can join the Alliance. He doesn’t have a say in any individual races government and although he decides what the Alliance military does, each race can go, “nu uh, not interested” or wage wars of their own. With the Horde, the Warchief has the final say in EVERYTHING

  3. Even if the Alliance was just as controlling as the Horde, heck, even if the Alliance High king was 100x as fascist and micro-managing as the Horde, it’d still be more justified for them to have a supreme leader over the Horde. Want to know why? Come on just think real hard for a sec. No clue? Ok I’ll spoonfeed it to you. It’s cause the Alliance aren’t a faction of complete sociopathic, amoral, chaotic evil monsters like 99% of the Horde is, so they don’t immediately go on genocidal warpaths and therefore have more justification to have a singular leader. Basically they have goodwill out the wazoo whereas Horde are eternally in debt for all their goodwill.


What about turyalon

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??? what about him? Do we even know what’s been happening on Azeroth since we’ve entered the Shadowlands other then,“The scourge is running rampant for the 10th time now”


Apparently there was a rumored plot line that the light was going to make him take control of storm wind. A shame blizz announced an end to faction wars for storyline

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Then why does Genn call Andiun HIS king?

High king is a king of kings position.
An emperor if you will.


The High Commander of the Alliance is an 18 year old boy. Seems legit.


Exactly how is he high commander who is writing this story. He is too young to lead an army. But of course they wanted a human in the spotlight


I don’t mind a young man being a commander. History has many young military geniuses who tried to follow Alexander.

But Andiun has no military experience… Daddy Wrynn maybe but after he was gone. Shadris? She is a general already. Why not her? I am sure one of the dwarves or Draenei would have lots of experience.
And now with Turalyon?

He is probably the most experienced commander in Azeroth’s history.


Likely because Genn is a king effectively in exile, living in Stormwing lands and presumably under Stormwind law. Which would make Genn calling Anduin his king correct and polite. Anduin is king of Stormwind and her people. Genn is one of those people until Gilneas is reclaimed or Genn establishes the Gilneans elsewhere.


He’s High King because he inherited the position from Varian. It’s an extraordinarily stupid story decision and flies in the face of everything the Alliance is supposed to be, but Blizz wanted it so we’re stuck with it.


Probably why Jaina called Varian her king during SoO.


Alliance got a High King emperor.
Horde got a council.

Sylvanas is a victim for burning kids alive.
Tyrande is a horrible person for seeking retribution.

Nothing makes sense.


It really doesn’t I’m so upset with so many glaring plot holes rn


Honestly, I think Jaina’s just generally confused. She called Varian her king in ICC too. Like, Theramore wasn’t even nuked yet, the high king crap wasn’t even a thought, how is he your king??

I think it’s that when Jaina’s in a raid, she just gets so nervous her dps won’t be high enough that she gets confused.


Its as if the writers have been trying to hoodwink players into thinking they are getting some kind of high fantasy without without the pre-existing component parts.


Lady Jaina Proudmore.

Member of the royal family of Kul Tiras.

Ruler of the sovereign nation of Theramore.

Calls Varian Wrynn of Stormwind “her king”.