Why is Sap not melee range?

They do gain increased speed while stealthed.

They are little bast@rds but meh. They exist for a reason.

A DH calling any other class lame is a hoot IMO. Your class should be deleted. You stole your entire toolkit from demo warlocks when they were cool in MoP.

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I wonder if Blizz even knows what a “sap” is. They should google the term before making it a 10 yard ability. Those some long Rogue arms.

Nobody really likes sap except for rogues. They should indeed make it a bit riskier to use.

A decent “counter” to sap, would be to use that automatic dispel trinket, and then instantly aoe. Generally it gets them out of stealth. But then, they just blind you, and you’re stuck in pretty much the same situation as earlier with even less control as you would’ve had with any other trinkets.

I guess if you’re trying to defend a flag, you may want to stay a good distance away from it to force the rogue to fight you if he wants to take the flag. Don’t let him bait you toward the flag either, because the rogue will just blind you.

I’ve seen Paladins get sapped while spamming Consecrate.

So I should have posted on a different class, this guy is only level 50 and I didn’t say " why does sap have a range when I’m playing on my DH" like you posting on your 34 druid, it has nothing to do with the class I’m posting on but the issue with sap.

And I do agree with you, they laziness of them just stealing meta from demo was a kick in the face to players, DHs in general have lots of a abilities that would have been better split among other classes. But that just show blizzard’s willingness to do the bare minimum and pass it off as something new, much like every spec of rogue being the same lame stun lock design.