Why is RUIN so bad at WPvP?

lol 10 chars


Ruin is garbage - not like this is news to anyone lol why are we even discussing this

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Let Ruin what they want … it’s not really bothering the average horde player

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You’re right its not their fault they’re extremely bad

What happened to Ovidiu? He’s usually in these threads defending RUIN. Did he quit?

Well in his absence we are blessed with the two fools in the other thread defending large-scale, lag inducing, “AOE” style WPVP.

So very sad

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I’m not a fan of zerg fest (lag scale) pvp that they do, but I get that some folks enjoy it.

My only suggestion when it comes to the forum discussions is we could do with fewer RP style quotes (lions, lambs, high ground, etc.). May just be me though.

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I think he is posting on his Zanda Druid .


Well, now I feel like “derp”.

Man, people need to stick with one avatar on these forums! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Jesus it is so unnerving to think that these are probably 40-55 aged men behind the screen talking about their WPVP prowess on the wow forums in 2019.

Very concerning.

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I’m in this post and I don’t like it.


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No yet in that group but will be in couple of years… I remember how sad I was when I turned 30 , now so close to 40 :sob::sob::sob:


It’s ok you seem like a reasonable person the other two are literally mental.

It’s cute how they defend each other though, its their tactic they use to try and intimidate others.

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It’s all downhill man. Time to start shopping for a casket…

Well atleast I have that to look forward to …

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30 is the new 20 and 40 is the new 30. I still feel young… most of the time, even at the tender age of 40 something :rofl:

Enjoy every stage of life amigo, getting old is not all bad


LOL the exact opposite of what I just told him

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Yeah, but since when was I supposed to be taken seriously?

I recently had someone ask me “what was the happiest time in my life”, and my response was “now”.

Getting older isn’t really bad.

The only issue I have with getting older is feeling the pain after playing ball for a few hours with the 20 somethings. My wife would laugh at me and say I walked like a 90 year old man.

Kids didn’t even know my name. I was just referred to as OG. They’d text me “hey OG we balling on Sat”.


I love how completely oblivious you are to irony. You constantly post and attack my organization in multiple threads where we aren’t even the ones talking about pvp prowess ever. No one thinks WPvP is the pinnacle of skill. It’s usually the people we fight and those defending them who for some reason like to make every response about how someone is bad, attacking arena rating etc.

Stop with the projection.

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