Why is rio viewed as toxic?

What, exactly, are “all angles”?

It’s an experience quotient. It logs your experience.

Edit: not even that. It displays the log, blizzard actually logs it.

I personally like RIO, it gives me something to work off to improve my own score. My score is on the lower side, but that’s the fun of it, you progress each key and keep improving your runs!

300 million is a lot of downloads. I’d hazard a guess that a significant portion of WoW, nay even a majority, do use addons.

Unless you think one dude downloaded DBM like 280 million times just to pad the stats.

No it is not. It is not a flaw and it is not even a problem.

No, you think you do.

Right, so your argument now is people are “using it wrong” and thus that is why they are not inviting you. Talk about “a weak thing to do”.

it is creating a toxic environment, especially for new players (accurate).

People getting denied in favor of someone with more experience is not toxic, no matter how much you complain about how its crushing the hopes and dreams of all the poor “new players”. Furthermore, since you’re apparently willing to speak for these “new players” about how toxic it is for them, I’m sure you’d be willing to answer the question of why a person should feel entitled to a group created by another person despite not being able to demonstrate any relevant experience in the content.

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No, I think there’s plenty of people that have multiple computers, or have had to completely re-install their addons for various reasons, including patches breaking stuff, or people quitting, then coming back later.

That isn’t 300 million unique verified blizzard account downloads.

So, again…? And?

I can say from personal experience, I’ve had to reinstall RP addons many multiple times before, due to updates, me having uninstalled wow when I didn’t have game time, or having to trouble shoot an issue with it. TRP and MRP both probably have 3 downloads each alone from me swapping back and forth between the two trying to figure out which one I prefered, and I’ve probably downloaded the TRP mod at least 30 times at this point. :woman_shrugging:

None of this really even matters to the topic at hand though, cause Raider IO’s just a third party tracking site, people use inappropriately as a cudgel to beat people over the head with.

OP tried to claim the majority of all wow players liked Raider IO, and I simply pointed out, that a majority of wow players don’t even use addons, let alone have an opinion on raider io. :woman_shrugging:

Why would you think I hate it?

I’m just commenting on its inherent properties and observing the effects.

If you think its bad that’s on you.

I do believe that it was designed for this purpose. It’s just not used that way in the civil manner we’d like it to be. There were very unfortunate risks involved that I do not believe were ever taken into account. The idea sounds good on paper but in practical, it’s not.

Read above. It does what it does, but we all know people in online video games are not always great people. It’s not the tool’s fault, it was just not a good tool to begin with. If I made a website that showed all your personal information, the site is doing just as it was designed to do. That does not mean it was a good idea in the first place because now you’ve just given stalkers exactly what they need to stalk. You give toxic people what they need to be toxic and they’re going to run with it.

Ok, I’m calling a spade a spade. You’re calling it a diamond. We’ll just agree to disagree.

You can bury your head in the sand all you want, the problem will still be there when you come up for air.

That was the argument a long time ago. Where have you been?

No, you did not understand why IL requested appeared higher then what the dungeon rewards and I explained it. That you believe that you are correct and anything else is wrong is very telling.

Case in point #2.

No it is not and you are again making up stuff. What do you think they are using the score for except to see what dungeons you have run at the highest keys?

I’m still waiting for anyone to explain why not carrying people is toxic. In a pug, there’s no relationship. All 5 people have one goal: a smooth dungeon run. The most impactful factor in m+ is experience. This addon displays blizzards publicly available log of everyone’s experience in game.

Edit: If you think groups that don’t have any vested interest in your personal development should prioritize you over more experienced players, YOU are absolutely the problem.


The armoury gives basic information, it doesn’t go into heavy detail, and it doesn’t score players based on those details.

The armoury was available during the Gearscore days too, and it showed more or less the same things gearscore did, only gearscore pulled individual items ilvl (which was a hidden value at the time, players could not see the ilvl of their individual gear pieces back in WotLK, that changed with Cataclysm) and created an average score that was your ‘gearscore rating’.

the entitlement of some of the posters in this thread is crazy

it does everything but give a score and date. It gives the time it took, what people you ran with, what dungeon, and what key level. check my armory you dont even know what youre talking about

Even if the average person downloaded DBM 20 times, that’s 15 million people.

If the average person downloaded it 100 times, that’s 3 million people.

Trying to claim that addons aren’t wildly mainstream is ridiculous.

Also you claimed that RP addons are one of the largest downloads, but the largest RP addon has 2.3 million downloads. RIO has 100 million.


like i said this person is wildly out of touch

The fact that you keep deflecting is very telling.

Ok, I see where your problem comes from. To be fair, if I came into a discussion in the middle, I’d only know what I initially see and not everything else. I forgive you.

You can wordsmith it all you want. You call it “I don’t want to carry” (which by the way, 95 times out of 100 when someone says they’re carrying someone, they’re not). It’s still gating.

We all know this. I don’t think anyone here ever said it didn’t. We’re saying that the tool is not adequate because of what it’s used for, even though it was designed that way.

Yikes. Strawmen are so 2019

You’re literally only proving my point about you being a troll who wasn’t looking for any actual opinions on why folks don’t like Raider IO.

Keep going, by all means, the more effort you put into talking down to folks, the faster you’ll end up on my ignore list where I won’t see anymore of your tripe.

It’s not Toxic per se but it does encourage people to make false assumptions that high score = good at mechanics/knows what they are doing and no/low score means ‘total noob have no idea what they are doing’ but that’s not always the case.

As long as you understand that there’s exceptions to that ‘rule’ and use it as a tool and nothing more, not as an all purpose insult to judge others performance you should be okay, as PUG groups are a huge gamble anyway and you are better off trying to improve your relationships and making friends.

At the end of the day, none of this matters. The groups you see in Group Finder tool are people’s personal groups. They have the right to create the group however they want. I mean, are you really trying to say that I should invite anyone and everyone just because I listed my group in Group Finder? Are you saying players should be entitled to join any group they see? And if the people don’t invite them they are bad people using a tool in toxic manner?

Like, what fairy tale world do you live in?


ignore me please then i wont be tempted to respond to your stupidity