Why is rio viewed as toxic?

It’s pure naivety to think that that’s actually going to happen.

There’s too much raw power within Covenants for there not to be a clear cut winner. Even if it was just the signature spells alone (Door of Shadows, Fleshcrafting, etc), it’d still be figured out because sure they’re different and have different strengths of weaknesses, but you only need to analyze how raids, or M+, or PvP works and figure out that burst mobility provides more value than speed boosts, which provides more mobility than a defensive cooldown and so on.

Having Necrolord be best for PvP and Venthyr best for Raiding doesn’t muddy the waters, it’s not difficult to figure out. It just frustrates people when they view themselves as being weaker in PvP because they’re interested in Raiding.

What are you basing that on? DBM, Recount and RIO are literally the top 3 downloaded addons.

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Again my reasons are quite clear. There’s no ‘virtue signalling’ there (which is a classic thing I see from folks trying to talk down to others for daring to have the wrong opinion).

It’s a 3rd party tool (factual), that is used to gatekeep (accurate) and it is creating a toxic environment, especially for new players (accurate).

Want proof? Look at this thread. Anyone who dared to speak out and say “I don’t like IO and this is why.” is being beaten over the head with the wrongthink bat by folks who like Raider IO. There’s no understanding, there’s no acceptance, no ‘agree to disagree’ it’s just straight up opinion bashing, which, if you didn’t know that by now, is toxic behaviour.

I don’t like Raider IO. That’s not me throwing folks who do like it under a bus. You do you. I however will not use it in groups I form and I will not allow folks to use it to rate my own characters. I am more than aware that this will get me denied from PUG groups, which is why I don’t join PUG groups for high end content. I either go with my guild on characters that are doing raiding, or I form a group/group with friends for mythic+ content.

So can you with io score, but that’s easier to talk than do

oh you’re here… :rofl:

rip thread.

was fun while it lasted folks.

The toxicity comes from how some players (not all) use it.

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That wasn’t the point. The point is that people look at it and make personal standards, which does nothing more than unnecessarily gate the community.

Because people love to brag and shame. Sad, but true. If there were an addon that broadcasted your “I’m awesome” achievements to everybody out there, it would be popular too.

So if Blizz built it in like PVP ratings you’d be cool with it?

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The fact a majority of wow players don’t have addons period. :woman_shrugging:

So, the tool is fine. You dislike that people have standards.

Don’t hate the google.

DBM has 300 million downloads.

So nothing to respond because I was right



They did that with ilvl, and yeah, I’m more or less fine with that now. If everyone has access to the information without needing to go to some third party website, or download a third party addon, then my tolerance of it improves.

Gonna need a citation on this.

You can turn it off certainly, but then you are auto decline.

The relevant question is whether or not the devs consider RIO’s ability to cause division and constrict access to content acceptable or not.

And the movement away from easily calculable optimums is certainly provocative.

No, you didn’t understand at all.

The tool is inadequate to begin with. It was designed without taking all angles into consideration. In turn, those who love gating others so they can feel superior praise it for such.

I think it’s the opposite. Its designed to help people group with people of similar experience levels. I use it to try and find people to play with. I’m not looking for people to avoid.

To me that is a subtle but large difference.


The armory is right from Blizz and provides all the same relevant info.

Again: RIO isn’t causing the division. The content is too difficult to bring just anyone to, so people who are pugging must prove themselves first.

IO is google. You don’t hate google if someone searches you.


You group up with 4 friends who hate io score as much as you do

Now where’s your problem since you solved gatekeeping