Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Can’t be two face when you’re doing keys yourself is what I’m saying

You really want to protest against raider io? Don’t run keys

Nothing in WoW besides MAYBE the gladiator achievements is an accurate measure of skill anymore. You can buy your way to every achievement in this game at this point basically. I do not mind raiderio but to act like it is a measure of someones skill is laughable. Using it to determine how much M+ experience someone has however is a good use and honestly the best we probably have.

So your opinion of us is now a fact?

If that’s really how you feel, I don’t think there is any further point trying to discuss anything with you. You’re planting your head in the sand and refusing to acknowledge what you’ve been given… that you aske for.

And I think you’re a troll who only came here to create yet another echo chamber post. You’re not interested in the opinions of folks who don’t like IO, you’re only interested in bashing said folks for their opinions the moment they talk about them.

You are literally part of the problem.



The safety net is just to open everything up to switch as one chooses. But then we are right back to a calculable optimum.

Perhaps practical application will show it to be effective as the devs want rather than the oft shouted doom that is nigh.

The idea was cool on paper but adding spells that increase damage and usable on all content was another poor execution.

If the “choice” was story and cosmetic sure totally up for that “fantasy” but this isnt going to shake off the meta or the simcraft meta that has been rulling the game for several years by any means it will just adapt to whatever is next so long they keep creating this systems.


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In truth I am much more interested in the thought that the design direction might be applied to how RIO and it’s back-end data constricts content access, enables gate keeping and produces a toxic environment.

You’re going in for an interview, and you get googled. The interviewer finds your social media profile and decides you don’t fit the mentality they are trying to promote for their team, and the interview is cancelled.

Do you:

  1. Reflect on your posts and social media presence as the reason you were denied.

  2. Cultivate a grudge against that prospective employer for disqualifying you because you really wanted that job?

  3. Hate google.

This thread is FULL of people picking option 3. It makes zero sense.


Your opinion is that is that is used for gatekeeping and elitism and then some virtue-signalling about “new players” Meanwhile you can’t explain why someone should take a typical io hater over someone with demonstrably more experience in the content. I dont put “checking io” in my group titles but you can bet I’m taking a 470 with 1500 score over a 470 with 500. Do you all just assume that any group that denies you is elitist and preventing you from playing the game?

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Not really, a majority of the player base doesn’t have what raiders / mythic dungeon pushers would remotely consider “Standard” addons.

Maybe it’s difficult for you to imagine, but there’s plenty of players that have absolutely zero interest in the same things you do in this game. :woman_shrugging:

It is not a flaw, it is just the simple fact that IL totals are boosted higher then content gear due to your neck and cloak. Thus people post higher IL numbers.

The score is just part of it. Also all it calculates is your highest completed of each dungeon (timed and untimed). That is all the score does and is used for.

Player B says he doesn’t want you because you have not shown that you can complete it, that is all.


This is the problem here, “I think I can do 15’s even though I havent done 10’s. Jonny is an elitist gatekeeping jerk for choosing people who have done 15’s over me for his group”


because people want to success constantly and those guiding for Rio or io will choose to do so… I don’t have any problems because I rarely pug maybe once a week on alts to get the chest and even so I don’t have issues except that I know what keys to apply and when to apply…

but you can’t prevent from those using rio and io anyway, both numbers are an illusion since people can just buy any rating or and raid kills.

This times 100

That’s the very definition of a flaw.

I really wish this were true. You and I both know it isn’t.

You’re altering the truth to fit your narrative. That’s a very weak thing to do. You’re trying to imply that every person who uses it… uses it correctly and again, I know you know that isn’t true.

It’s funny back in Vanilla we used to just play together and have fun without Raider IO. Thinking back on it, yes there were certainly times when something like that would have avoided some bad situations. I guess the real need for it comes from what running dungeons has involved into: speedrunning e-sport.

And I don’t think that’s bad - something had to be done to make dungeon content challenging and repeatable throughout an expansion. It’s just not as enjoyable as spending an evening with some friends in Scholomance, enjoying each others company, killing some bosses, getting some loot and making it a real social event.

Warcraft logs can show otherwise

Keys can be logged

You can control your social media presence.

A more accurate version of this would be if some service tracks your every move and makes note of anything you even try and you have no way to affect it after the fact but you will definitely be judged on it after the fact.

One might very well decide such a service is a bad thing.

You control your IO, too.