Why is rio viewed as toxic?

OP: Why is Raider IO toxic?

Also OP: Talks down to anyone who tries to point out why they feel it’s toxic.

Gee, this is a great topic now isn’t it. Prime echo chamber material.


Raider IO is the third most downloaded addon, only behind Recount and DBM.


People hate it because it shows the truth of how they play

Its against you if you let it, you can make it help you if you try

I too was against it but now that I see it as a way to make sure the key can be cleared

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The only reason to dislike IO is a dislike of transparency. People who don’t like IO don’t like that they can’t lie about their experience.


I don’t like IO because it’s a 3rd party tool that is being used to gatekeep and creates a toxic environment, especially for new players.

The same thing happened with Gearscore back in the WotLK days.

I didn’t support Gearscore back then, and I don’t support IO now.

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It’s literally just transparency. It’s like hating a window because someone climbed in one.

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Raider io score doesn’t prevent you to group up with friends

Thank you Captain Obvious for your well thought out response that has nothing to do with what I typed.

Yet you’re ranting about raider io score

That can be bypass by friends

You can’t gatekeep friends

So again, what is your real reason

still have yet to see a good point WHEN YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN GROUPS

ive offered multiple people to add me and run some keys with me. It isnt inherently a toxic tool. It of course is for gatekeeping but everything has gate keeping. Unless your cloak rank is high enough you cant full clear visions, unless your gear is high enough you cant solo certain world bosses, if you arent good enough you dont get into the content etc etc

would give this a million likes if i could but im all out

how is something that just shows your experience toxic?

probably not a nice person to hang with

My reasons are what was just written there.

Simple as that.

its dumb reasons


Bypass that score with 4 friends

Now what is your issue

Just because you don’t agree does not make it stupid or justify pejorative comments. Be better than that.




  1. a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.

i dont think my story is amusing or interesting, i just think it shows how much of a joke you guys are, its all facts

Would I need raider io for that? WoW shows class.

Here’s the thing, most people who say they check IO are too lazy to actually check.

The best indicators of skill for a 15-17?

Timed all or most dungeons at 15-16, 17+ a good bonus if they are timed.

Have they timed it with multiple groups or carried by guild often aka similar names in groups

Have they timed most dungeons or do they have many failed keys

Are the keys timed in most affixes or specific ones? aka failing at tyrannical.

Mythic kills past the first 3 a bonus, but more important they need to be recent since there’s many who get carried by their guilds months ago and then start trying to pug, same goes for m+ if they havent timed them in a while its a red flag

Link to main is also useful for people who have little info.

Then we go to spec, if they play meta spec yet their profile is average or good that’s a decline because we know meta noobs get invited simply for being meta and end up getting carried so score isnt rly real
An average or good profile on a spec that is seen as “bad”, that’s an invite because that person clearly had to deal with worse groups and harder time yet persevered

Score is useless because people can easily get high score by getting carried from guild, getting carried cuz they play meta and get invited in “good” groups or just spam m+ without success which still gives you points based on key level.


My issues with it don’t change because I can ‘ignore’ it.

I know I can ignore it. I routinely do so on my main and other alts. Just because I can ignore it, doesn’t mean the reasons I don’t like IO magically disappear.

Now, are we done? Because you constantly repeating something I already know won’t change the fact that I still won’t support IO for the reasons I just listed.

On viewing the dialogue between Preach and Ion, its interesting that the covenants are meant to break the idea of an optimal existence.

Rather than having a single optimal point that is easily calculable and thus mandatory, covenants are meant to provide a less certain endpoint such that people can no longer simply calculate the solution to a challenge and then insist on adherence.

The devs don’t know if it will work like that yet, but that’s their goal.

One of the things storing player data (and thus RIO) does is provide an easily calculable cross-section and minimizes the number of people who have access to that content.

So I wonder if it will be similarly considered as a hindrance to player engagement.

nope. If something is stupid ill tell it like it is. An easily solvable problem is not a problem. thats what solutions are for

i think some people are too far gone

literally cant refute this and your points mean nothing considering all io does is this

except it’s not going to do that, it will be another meta.

the moment they added spell signatures and spec skills that idea went off the window.

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