Why is rio viewed as toxic?

You’ve been given several reasons. You may not like them, but you’ve been given what you asked for.

the main one is unrealistic standards. The other reasons are invalid. And again, even unrealistic standards is invalid because you can make your own group.

i want real ones, so yes i dont like them. I think ive come to my own conclusion as to why i personally disliked it when i first started keys. I didnt realize how big 3 levels of a jump was. I got to 440 ilvl without doing mythics and thought i should be doing +4s with no experience because i was the right ilvl. But now i see the flaws in that mindset.

well ive come to my own conclusion but i dont think ive been given anything. just got into a 7 on my war with 200 io you guys are jokes lol

RIO tells groups they shouldn’t let me tank their 15. Nothing toxic about that, it’s right.

Deflecting does not invalidate someone’s opinion. You can’t ask someone why they feel something and tell them their opinion is wrong because you don’t agree. That’s not how the world works.

Anecdotes and hyperbole are fun, are they not?

cant reason with stupidity and the “plz carry me mentality”

my last statement qualifies as neither of those, next run ill take a screenshot

Raider IO is just gearscore 12.0 (or something who knows, lost track of how many times people keep trying to do this stuff), and will be met with the same vitrol as every system players have tried to use before it to gatekeep.

What I don’t understand, is how people still pretend like they don’t get why it’s controversial, or disliked by people.

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good thing the majority like it then

The majority of players don’t even use addons, nor third party tracking sites to do anything in WoW.

r u sure about that


shows how out of touch you are

Or how small your bubble is.

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Because some people are very bad at this game fin.

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nope, fairly certain most people use addons

You can be as “fairly certain” as you like.

The majority of wow players don’t use addons, and just play the game to play the game.

The largest downloads of addons are also RP addons, DPS meters, and UI changes.

Whether or not people have addons or not, doesn’t change the fact Raider IO is just yet another version of gear score, and exists to exclude others. And will continue to be derided as such. :woman_shrugging:

exclusion from content you cant do isnt bad

yea? and? most people have one of these. I think almost everyone runs a UI changer or dbm or dps meters

maybe people who are leveling? lol

Might want to reread what I said, the score is pretty useless indicator of skill

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so how do you identify skill

There’s a difference as you can see

you just say i do it right u dont specify how, u just take off meta specs?