Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Because it is. No stat will ever determine how the player plays. This is just a cancerous website overall that will prevent many from even trying to play with each other. we could and should do better. F this raid IO nonsense.


There’s not. I just jumped to conclusions but I hope my description helps a little.

Tbh, I agree with you that Reddit is a REAL poisonous cesspit. But these forums can get poisonous as well, should you target a certain gold streamer of unfriendly opinions.

But that is not the topic here.

it works for everyone besides people who cant pull their own weight and want carries unlike previous dungeons

its true but its a gauge at least, would you rather your 2s partner be a 2400 player or a 1500 player?

i just get in a worse mood when im browsing it

Believe me, there are certain Reddit forums that are so corrupted not even N’zoth would get close to them.

Because it’s Ralph. He doesn’t give a damn about something until he does and then he doesn’t.

Eventually he just stops responding to people who disagree with them and blocks you.

Some tools are used wrong, some are designed that way.

I casually mentioned this before. Someone designed the hammer to drive in nails. If I take that hammer and go around hitting people, it’s clear that it was not used for it’s intended purpose. If I make a tool that’s designed to hit people, that’s different.

It “works” because thats all you have. You have no other options. If we gave you a better tool, I’m sure you’d abandon that junk very quickly.

Addons aren’t toxic. They just exist. It’s the community that’s toxic and projects it onto the addons.

It’s something that allows group leaders to exclude based on skill. This is fine for higher keys.

I think the problem comes when it’s used like HR hiring for IT.
They don’t understand what they are requiring for the level of work they want, so some people will require an amount of experience that isn’t needed for the amount of work.

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no complaints against it that ive seen so far make sense. Not 1. Because of the simple fact you can make your own groups, it render’s all the “oh but people wont let me in” invalid.

honestly dont see how it could be improved unless it was baseline and gave rewards and mounts for getting certain scores. Its a quick way to see if someone knows their !@$%

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The primary argument is that it enables toxic elitism. There is a fraction of truth to it. Last week I saw a +7 key advertised with “checking io” which is ridiculous at this stage of the xpac.

I think what most io complainers don’t realize how incredibly competitive groups are for dps. Even at lower key levels you’ll see guys who massively outgear the key but still want to do it because they’re slumming it for some low stress fun or working on improving their io score in 1 Dungeon.

The solution for those people is run your own keys.

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I still question if the tool was designed to be exclusionary and gatekeeping or if the intent was actually benign. Since it seems the people who make these tools are likely the ones who are pushing for gatekeeping and wanting a caste system in the playerbase so it’s hard to tell.

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just so the people in the back can hear it and put it through their stubborn heads


Lots and lots of things in this game, I’ve thought “I don’t see how they can fix that…” and it got fixed somehow. Whether it was “fixed” by removal or replaced with something better.

People complained about forming groups in vanilla. I remember how bad Shadow Priests had it. They were rejected often (not all the time) because people only wanted healer Priests. Other players said “Don’t like it, make your own group” (sound familiar?). Blizzard gave us LFD. Some see that as a bad thing while some see it as “yay! Now I can be whatever I want and still succeed… and so can my group!”. That’s the attitude to have.


Yes we know. That’s not addressing anything that’s hiding it and pretending it’s not a problem. The old “Well it doesn’t affect ME so there’s nothing wrong here” mentality.

The underlying issue is people are using the tool wrong. That answers the question of “Why is RIO viewed as toxic” as presented in the OP.

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I think the tool was designed to just show information. However, when some things are designed, they’re done so in a vacuum. The designer doesn’t think of the risks and opportunities involved. Can’t blame them though, they may not always be critical thinkers. Heck, explosive powder was originally created for firework displays and now, it gets used in bombs.


From what I’ve seen people keep forgetting their neck and cloak boost their gear level so you have to request higher then normal.

Which gets its data from the Blizzard API and is really just an in game armory viewer.

Not being able to get into groups over what you are prepared for runes your game? What part of it is runed?

queued content will likely never be endgame and if it is it will be the death of wow. Thats not a good example. Forcing players to play together instead of making them want to play together is not a solution

it doesnt affect anyone who puts in the effort to try. I didnt get carried or get friends to carry me, i pugged all the way to 17s with no problem.

i can accept this answer but i dont think its that often, like i said on my alts i dont have a problem getting into keys unless we are all playing a different game and have a different lfg tab i cant believe its that big of an issue. then again the people complaining are in the minority so :man_shrugging:

risks lol

Right the problem is people who want to treat a +7 like a +17 and still hide behind the same reasoning that are the problem.

And unfortunately there seems to be a lot of those sort of wannabes floating around.

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That’s a flaw in the calculations, not the player.

And Blizzard does not generate this score, which apparently does not do great at calculating all necessary things.

I can clear a 15. Player B says I’m not prepared for his 10. That does not compute.

I never said that was the solution, I was giving an example of how a big problem was fixed. There is no denying that there are big problems with M+. The question is, how do we fix it? I know we can go back/forth all day long tossing ideas or deflecting them but it won’t change. The bottom line is that you asked why it was toxic, we told you.

still havent given me a reason. You have given me an example of a very small part of the community being toxic, but nothing that is a big issue. Every community has toxic people and NOTHING will change that