Why is rio viewed as toxic?

How exactly is group finder better than being in a guild? You’ve been making this unsubstantiated claim all thread.

Because that will help shape the community in the long run. By forcing players to be more social, and having to play through guild system. It would make the game have a more social element that it needs.

It won’t fix the problem fully, but it would also remove a barrier from new players or even worse players to try harder content easier, to be able to see how well they do. Since they don’t got to worry about raider io scores and all that.

Not no one, PVErs dont have to do that anymore. Us PVP players still have to do that.

But it doesnt work now.

They dont have to worry about RIO RIGHT NOW. They can just Q with friends or find a guild and RIO is a non issue.

They will not do that.

But how does the experience of guildless players that doesnt affect you at all matter? You are in a guild. You are playing how you want to play. You see benefits to guilds so you joined one. Why enforce this on the rest of the population just because you see it as the superior path?

Blizzard disagrees with that statement - an achievement system by its very nature is meant to a public system meant to facilitate tracking game progression and bragging rights.

And the achievement system has been in the game since Wrath of the Lich King - and Wrath was one of the most successful expacs.

Because its an MMO, not Final Fantasy… If you want to player a single player game, Go do that.

I mean that’s what the RIO mod is for. Am I under the impression people aren’t using the add-on and only using the website?? The add-on is so good because it does exactly what you are asking for when you hover over someone’s name.

Not being in a guild does not mean I am playing a single player game.

I’m not in a guild because I like to mainly do m+ even though I don’t have high keys under my belt (20+) . Most of the guilds I was in just do their weekly one and done key and raid. I only raided for aotc and some pieces of gear I needed for m+.
So there was no sense in me being in a guild I didn’t play with. reason I’m guildless now.
That being said yeah it sucks being solo, and having to pug but it can be done. Group Finder and RIO is all I got to use for the time being. In no way shape or form Is Group Finder better than a guild.

What do you mean how is it? What?

You don’t need a guild to do some tough content. If you are required to use meta builds in group finder. Something is wrong in the first place. Using a tool for pugging, for content that should be used by guilds and building a team is just plain silly.

Group Finder has made it where it replaces the need to join a guild be social, you pretty much turned mythics into LFG. But instead of a auto accepts, you control it, and that is even worse. You get all the perks of doing tough content, without the time invested to being social for it.

Yes, yes it does.

If you are pugging with randos and never having to interact with people on a social level you might as well be playing with Robots.

Group Finder, Lock out changes and Guilds being worthless have also killed raiding. I dont do 12/12 anymore, why bother? I need loot from boss X, Y, Z I pug into those 3, with groups on those 3, and call it a week.

what if you pug with randos and use discord???

You make a lot of assumptions. Why does pugging mean I cant be social or interact with them? Isnt it actually MORE social since you interact with a much broader audience rather than just a select few?

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Except we both know you dont.

Huh. News to me. All these friends I have on my friends list must actually be robots.

I mean im guildless but made a lot friends on my Bnet from RIO. must be robots dude.

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Its because it excludes people who feel entitled to run with whatever group they choose. Its that whole participation award garbage. Youre not entitled to everything you want. I used to be anti raider IO but not anymore

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They’re becoming self aware! It seems LFG was just the tip of the iceberg!

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Welcome to the Dark Side.