Why is rio viewed as toxic?

You talk as if people who are pugging aren’t joining guilds. I’ve met a lot of pugs who are in guilds. Heck, I mostly run pug M+ because I think it’s a fun challenge, but I also run serious M+ with my guild every week. You do know people get invited to guilds through M+ right? I’ve seen so many times a guildless person is doing great damage and a random in the group asks if he wants to join his guild.

You do know people were pugging without a guild before the inception of RaiderIO right? Like…raids and dungeons have always been pugged. In fact, the main appeal for a guild is to not have to pug anymore. In that way, it helps people join guilds.

God forbid I control who influences the result of my key.

No it hasn’t. There have been plenty of guilds where no one was social. There was never a need to be social.

And giving the players control over who they group with isn’t a bad thing. It gives players a choice - it gives players power. Why do you want to take away player power and agency?

I have actually left a good number of guilds because they are dead and theres no reason to be in them at all.

Also…wouldnt removing player choice of who gets to be in their group only promote toxicity? At least if the key holder is mad about someones performance, they made the choice to invite them. If you forced people into groups with each other, you are just asking for people to become monsters.

Yes it would.

I have a ton of people I pug with on my friends list, I have been invited to communities. Its pretty a pretty social scene.

Learn the same way the rest of us learned. Work your way up through the levels. You don’t get to “skip” progression just because you benefited from end of expansion i-level bloat. Gear isn’t going to help you if you don’t know the dungeons and mob abilities, especially at higher levels.

People need to learn at the lower levels, just like those of us who can now push 15-20+ keys had to at the start of the expansion. Experience is the best teacher. Getting carried through a key isn’t teaching anyone anything. And yes, you’re being carried if you don’t understand the mob abilities or know the dungeon. Pure DPS isn’t the end-all be-all in m+, especially at higher levels.

Case in point: I ran a +16 Junkyard with some guildies to get them a dungeon done for the week. These are mythic raiders, mind you. On the trogg boss one guildie didn’t know that you’re supposed to soak the Charged Smash ability then run the charges over to the pylons to get rid of the adds. It was a necrotic week so as you can imagine we wiped pretty quickly. High DPS and good gear didn’t prevent a wipe.

Now if we’re talking about people who require a high io score for low level keys, well those are called jerks and you don’t want to group with them anyway. No one can fix jerks, people have been trying since the dawn of mankind and jerks still abound. Your best bet is to avoid them and count yourself lucky.

That’s basically what my first response said before a few psychos went off on a tangent. People see the term in the title and dive right in.

And I get it, there are jerks all over the internet. Been gaming since the 90s. I was only answering the OPs question. Then it became clear that it was just bait.

It happens, but you can always find another group. I was getting into 15s and 16s as balance at like 1700…and balance isn’t a hot spec for keys.

Yeah everyone starts somewhere. Like at M0 or +2.

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I lost brain cells reading that question Gatteka put out.

It’s directly player choice that choose to exclude you because of your class/gear/record/score, etc.

It’s not toxic to think that being able to make an informed decision to invite you or not against so many other dps or healers applying. You might as well be boycotting the employment system in real life.

We don’t want this to be like other MMOs! If we did, we’d be playing that instead.

Pugging is all of these.

They are.

I hope so too except…

There’s no reason for them to do this because it solves literally nothing. It will make the gatekeeping you’re so against even worse.

WoW is already pretty social. With cross realm communication, the community feature, battlenet, LFD, LFG. Making these things worse won’t improve the social aspect of WoW outside of people asking in trade “LFM, Atal’dazar 10.”

This is already a feature in game. It is called pugging.

You aren’t required to be meta in LFG.

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You are saying the same thing I am. lol

If the game just puts players of random merit into a group together, you are just asking for the more advanced players to become frustrated with the less capable players.

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For only the most casual content because that content can be done with literally 20 IQ players.

Progression endgame content is a different atmosphere.

“the most casual content” being Middle School and “Progression endgame content” being College to make it analagous.

The only issue I have with the whole “start your own key” spiel is that I only have one key to a single zone. If I had a key that was universal and only had a number on it without specifying what zone that would be different. RIO itself isn’t toxic. People are toxic and use it in a toxic way in the same manner as meters.

The problem is the people not rio. People just don’t want to admit they are horrible people so they blame rio.


It doesn’t seem so toxic to me, it’s just a poor little bird that wants a girlfriend. Why don’t you just leave him alone then?

I dont buy run

If you look at my score. I only really push 2 months ago and didnt do anything until season 3. That is way delayed. And here I am now almost breaking 3k io and most of my runs are with pugs. So what’s your excuse?

If you link your bnet w/ rio it will show you have CE/aotc as well as your prefered main

lol. Ok then

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I do not think Raider IO is inherently bad, Its just a tool that allows players to filter out players based on past experiences.

The Fault people have with Raider IO is really blizzards fault for having such bad Design that punishes groups for taking a risk by bringing in players that do not have previous experience. I do not blame people for requiring Overbearing IO Scores for simple content, I blame blizzard for designing a system that punish groups that do not enforce it.

If keys did not break, and Raid lockouts did not prevent you from joining/reforming groups people would be way more inclined to take a newer player in to fill out a groups composition… and they might even do something crazy like accept a feral druid.

Its why there is more and more soloers. And then people complain that there are so many soloers in WoW in general.

Look at FFXIV. The game accepts pretty much everyone in groups/parties and is very accepting in general, very little soloers and lots of grouping going on. Same with LOTRO (though less of an extent than FFXIV). FFXIV was an amazing game to raid in and made so many friends in FFXIV. Not interested in playing it though since outside the community, not a big fan of FF…but thats besides the point.

WoW and the other more “gaming is a sport” communities tend to drive people to solo more, and then they complain that there are too many soloers making blizzard cater to them (the soloers) more lol

Yup! FFXIV raiding and commuity is some of the best. Well until wow players started bleeding over. Now it is slowly decaying all because wow is in a rough spot right now.

One of the main reasons I want Blizzard to nerf group finder, and start taking a look at this serious problem.

This is not an actual complaint people have about WoW.

People’s pickiness stems for a wealth of options, not an inherent bias against weaker classses.

Even if keys/raiding was made “less punishing”, people still wouldn’t take the Feral Druid because you’ve got the luxury of picking the best applicants since there’s typically about 5 DPS applying for every one spot.