Why is rio viewed as toxic?

This community sure does love to lie.

All you’ve done since you joined this thread yesterday is say that you’re here to take away other people’s fun, and spout ridiculous opinions about what this game should be that cater to you and only you. The only thing wrong with this community is your continued interjection into it.


Look at my Profile how am I lying lol

EDIT: sorry Epoch I dont know why it replied to your post.

Everyone wants that?

That is the most silliest comment ever. Every single person wants that.

Yeah like…I just want good loot and suddenly I’m a terrible person.

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Everyone wants what? I honestly started out thinking you were a little misguided but your continued assertion that you’re just here to ruin other’s fun and that you’re proudly anti-community despite spilling this vitriol into the conversation without any sign of stopping leads me to think you’re just trolling. So congrats I guess, you got me at least.

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you cant have good loot, unless you pay them for it

thought this was about rio… the city…

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Here let me tell you all a little story, since some of you all living in a dream world.

A young girl who loves MMOs. She started off with Mud games, and went on to Ultima Online, Everquest. UO she thought was the worse community ever, and at that time it really did feel like it. With being ganked all the time and people trapping players through loop portals.

But Everquest was the shining mmorpg. She understood what a community was, and learn how great raiding could be. going into the planes and just felt great.

But like all things, time made her move on to final fantasy and just like eq, she was use to asking for camp checks and waiting, but it was fun. People talked, and things was social.

Around wrath she picked to try wow, and…it felt good fluid. The guild she had was nice, but she did not really want to raid…the gear chase in wow felt tedious. So she focus on crafting, and making money on ah. Being social…but as time went on she notice blizzard keeps adding more and more changes to the game that made people not need to be as social and took less.

So she left the game and found some better mmos, but after time went on. Her worthless husband wanted her to come back to wow and spend time with him. So she did, and notice how servers no longer matter, Guilds no longer matter, Now Group Finder was the tool that people used, and the social element was all but dead.

So she went back to her other games, but she notice something in that game also, She was really good at raiding in her game, and the community pride itself for being decent, but when she helped new players. She notice more and more people was being jerks to new players, and more and more people was breaking the rules. enough that the developers said that anyone using paraser to harass people can be reported. The damage was already done, because wow was in a slump people who was warped by wow, brings that same mindset over to her fav mmos and the community started shifting.

The moral of the story is. I blame the community and Blizzard for this problem and I hope Blizzard fixes it by nerfing Group Finder, and bring back the social elements of wow.


When is the movie coming to theaters?


To be fair, that’s what classic is for.

Just gonna leave this here

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Thank you for showing people how I feel? Not sure what was the point of reposting it.

Dude they just deleted the “Covenants will be shown on RIO” thread, this is getting scary.

That was not a thread that was inappropriate there was NO reason to delete it.

That’s what happens when minimum wage employees go to work.

Not Trolling:

The fact that blizzard is refusing to address concerns about covenants, did a special new type of interview, where Ion Flat out admitted they are going to fail.

Now they are deleting threads about Covenants. This is really not looking good, I am glad that I didnt preorder.

I am at least real enough to understand the changes I want would ruin your fun.

Just like the changes you want is ruining mine. You can’t pretend like you got some moral high ground because you want everyone to be happy. Like games can be balance like that.

With what I want. No middle ground can happen, and I will gladly accept that it ruins your fun. Just like you gladly will accept how the game is ruins mine.

I don’t call you a troll just because you want the game your way.

I’ll still buy it. Will give me something to do to fill the gaps until Horizon 2 comes out.

This is the first step to changing covenants. They are now trying to mitigate any damage caused by their decision. First step is to try and justify it, which Ion did during streams, second step is to try and censor which is going to do nothing but inflame people, next will be the “We have decided to change the way it works” announcement because they cant control the masses.

What I hope happens is that you all abuse each other over covenants in the group finder. And try to get Blizzard to change it, but instead they do the armory nerf I want. That would be sweet.

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