Why is rio viewed as toxic?

“I want to score other people and gauge them, but I don’t want peeps to score and gauge me for my bad opinions”

Sounds about right.

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idk what karma is idc about it, how does a game score have anything to do with reddit?

Reddit I agree is a cesspit, but it does show the truly unpopular opinions.

Because people want to skip rungs on the progression ladder and feel they are entitled to join whatever groups they want. When that doesn’t happen they want to point the finger at anything other than themselves.


Double standards are cool.

(S)he was making the point that you’re ok with one toxic cesspool because it draws your personal narrative but when it applies anywhere else relevant, it’s magically “not ok.”


i personally have never commented on reddit, but seeing the arguments there people get way too heated about whatever the topic is even if its the smallest things

ran out of likes, but this thread is convincing me of this

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I have nothing against you op, I just have personal beef against hypocrisy. Don’t see as an enemy. I have no desire to make one out of you.

I’m just very opinionated.

That’s no different than here. It’s only slightly different here because the mods cherry pick what posts to remove. If you state you do not agree with a streamer, you get suspended and your post removed. On reddit, you’ll just get downvoted by the streamer’s sycophants but the post still remains.

That’s the first time this was mentioned. How can people having their opinions (which you specifically asked for in the OP) convince you of this one theory?

I’d argue Reddit is much more tame and more tolerant than here. I’ve been suspended for problematic opinions by streamers psychopathic fans here mass flagging me.

where is the hypocrisy? like i said i dont know what karma is, ive just heard about it im mainly talking about how people talk to eachother

because your opinion is “random people who im not going to thank or ever see again should teach me and not time their key because i feel like it”

I really just cannot understand the other argument. Unless you are doing massive jumps in key levels, at low keys no one cares about youre score. 420s get into mythic 2s ffs. It just seems like entitlement.

eh just the reddit culture is a lot more cringe and toxic to me

“I don’t give a damn about score or spec, I focus on things that identify skill”

So … something like rio ?


This is the same energy as people posting “I do not consent for Zuckerburg to use my personal data” on Facebook.


Karma is a scoring system based on your opinions in Reddit, while it is heavily flawed since you could accidentally anger the wrong people and get mass downvoted hurting that score, it is like the trust level system we have here.

Think if it like this forums trust level, the more you engage positively, the more things you can do.

But opinions if they get controversial can damage your ability to post there.

That was a problem someone brought up in the customer support forum before… until the thread got deleted (surprise surprise!)

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It’s even worse than people complaining about the Facebook terms they agreed too though because it’s them complaining about the terms they agreed to about a fictional character that does not exist lol.

so how is that related to anything i said or hypocrisy? they arent related, one is based on how much popular opinions you parrot (by the way youre describing it) and the other is based on your experience? i dont see the correlation

Me and other groups use raider io, i ve joined many groups that didnt know how to use raider io well and just invite based on score or meta spec and failed or we carried the meta noob who got outdpsed by an spriest in aoe, meanwhile all the m+ pugs I make, even hc nzoth pugs ive made were one shots and success.

How you use raider io makes a lot of difference.

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How do you know I won’t thank them?

It’s funny you happen to say that to me personally because I always… ALWAYS say “thank you” at the end of every single dungeon run, even while leveling, even if nobody else says anything.

I’m not entitled, I’m all about “how can we fix the system to work for everyone?” I’m not about getting rid of things.

so why did u say u dont give a damn about score lol

The tool gets blamed for people being toxic, that’s all it is. Because people use the tool in a way viewed as toxic, so people think the tool is at fault not how it’s being used.