Why is rio viewed as toxic?

I’ve done plenty of 15+ with cool people from Moonguard but dang you are toxic lol.


and she’s not even a male human paladin

People like that are why I reject anyone from moonguard.

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The best part about this entire stupid thread is Preach made a series in Legion to see if he could boost a fresh char to cap, and get it AoTC and Keystone Master with no guild, 100% in the pug world.

He did it on a warlock, as he thought doing it on a tank or healer would give him an unfair advantage.

The whole series was filmed off stream, so people wouldn’t know who he was, and it was done on a completely separate licence of WoW, so his realid friends wouldn’t know what the char name was and sign up to his keys.

He took his fresh 110 and was able to get both AoTC and Keystone Master within a week or 2, but people still cry that it is impossible lmao.

Edit: Google “Fresh Account - Finish Line in Sight” if you want to watch.

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Ah more people making my point for me. Thanks

Well thats easy to fix.

If you like doing M+ to push, thats fine and I can understand it.

Remove all gear from M+ except the weekly chest, and have other activites that can get that chest.

Problem solved.

There is a PVP chest, and that chest is from any and all forms of PVP. Make the M+ chest same way. Make it an XP bar, with M+ higher keys giving more %, raid bosses depending on difficulty giving X% Harder boss, more %.

RIO wouldnt matter as much if it was not for the fact that M+ is forcefed down your throat as something you HAVE to do.

Laziness, or fear of rejection you choose lol.

You never tried because you know we can see through it thanks to Raider IO. If it wasn’t for IO i’m sure you would be trying to sneak into mythic groups with no experience or skill. You are literally arguing for other peoples time to help you, not them. That’s entitlement and greed. We’re not the bad guys here, you are.

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A streamer was able to get into a group?

gasp Nowai!

Wow! News at 11!

I’ll take “what is reading comprehension for 1000, Alex”


No I understand, and to some point agree with you. I don’t like LFR/LFG either, but I don’t agree that guilds should be a requirement as you seem to think.

If you learn it, please let us know. We’ll still be here.

Guess that bit went over your head LOL.


:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


lmfaoooo why do we even bother tho? Like he is gonna magically learn to read the 2nd time around.

Oh, i’m sure he didn’t tell anybody who he was!

Naive much?

i cant breathe lol

Again, I don’t care enough about that.

Here is what I care about, changing this community to be more like other mmos. Where it is just gear that people can see, and force this community to not set up gates with armory. And if this community starts gating people cause of covs. A chance that Blizzard could start doing that.

Like I said, Group finder I feel hurt guilds, and people just pug for all the content instead of focus on guilds to help them. Pugging should come with more risk, and it should be open up to everyone. Even new players, bad players, whatever should be less efficient than a guild.

Why would he tell people who he was? Would literally defeat the purpose of the entire series.

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People lie. I mean, I don’t to point out who I’m talking to, for anyone to know that.

Buddy, I have a bridge for sale. Hit me up!