Why is rio viewed as toxic?

That is not true. I have a guildmate that stopped playing a few months before 8.3 launched and didn’t start back until 3 months into BFA. As of today, his IO score is 2.4k. You can catch up, you just have to put a little more effort into it. Heck to rub some salt into it, he plays a MM hunter. Not even the most popular Mythic+ hunter spec.

I’m still better than you though. See what i did there?

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Being better than me in wow means nothing because it has not earn the right for me to take it serious.

Success is fun though. And trying hard leads to more success.

If they weren’t lazy they wouldn’t be a lazy noob. They would just be a noob. And that’s fine. There are plenty of noobs who learn to play, and then they aren’t noobs anymore. The lazy ones never learn to play, they just complain on the forums instead.



Then why Type:

if its not serious.

Because it is my two cents?

Real raiders build guilds up. Builds a community up. Anyone who pugs raids just for gear and building up only self. Is not a true raider.

I’m telling people its super easy to spot people who have paid for their IO. It takes a mouseover to know. As for me, for 19-20s? Yeah I want people with a bunch of experience. I’m not here to carry pugs. Find someone else for that. I dont do it for the gear anymore and if you reach the point where its not going to be timed, its not going to be completed because everyone is going to leave.


yes, they are. someone trying to be the best they can to ensure the success of the group is far more fun than someone playing like garbage because they don’t care and ruining the dungeon for everyone else.

ok, and that person doesn’t belong in my m+ groups. I have no problem gating him from access to me. He can get his own key, or join groups with other players who just want to socialize and go at thier own pace.

I agree with you, but raiding =/= m+
I also agree that running m+ with a group of friends is far more fun than pugging it
but that’s not what this thread is about :woman_shrugging:

I like how you’re bemoaning the community while calling other people maggots.


Yes they do because M+ are easy if it is a low level key and they deserve a chance to try it. To see how what they can and can’t handle.

and I don’t care what you all think of me, maggots is the best term I can think of because of how many great mmos get ruined by this community.

It was the nicest term I can think of with what I think about all of you.

Good thing we have someone who doesnt raid and doesnt value raid content to tell us what a real raider is.


Even though this is clearly a bait thread, reading many replies and attitudes from supporters pretty much answers the OP’s question.

Correct, in this game I take pride that I am not part of this community. Thank you.

Oh shoot guys.

We finally found the ONE person who knows for a fact what is fun and what isn’t.

Thank god.


Agree, you could learn a lot from me.

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Fixed that for you.


We are not asking for goldshire gold making tips.

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You know, even though you haven’t made a single good point and called everyone who disagrees with you a lying maggot…I respect the spice. Keep it up.


I never gave you a chance to accept me. This community and game has not earned that right yet.

But you kinda made my point for me.

no one deserves a spot in another player’s group, for any reason, period.

Everyone deserves the same ability to get a key and list a group. that’s as far as the entitlement goes.

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I made plenty of good points. You just lack reading comprehension

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