Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Not sure, but Blizzard I think is starting to see that it is a problem. And if shadowlands the community griefs people because they wanted to play a certain cov, Instead of giving in and letting them change easily. They could do something big like this. I can only hope.

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Maybe this isn’t the game for you anymore if you prefer others?

Disagree. Wow needs to be accommodating of everyone’s playstyles. But if you want to improve social issues, the fix is going back to individual servers.

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you’ll be hoping in vain. blizzard isn’t going to get rid of LFG.

I was speaking in general not to you directly I just had to quote it cause I see that statement a lot.

I did not say it should get rid of LFG or LFR or Group Finder.

I said that Pugging should not replace guilds. I want armory to always be private and prevent players and websites from seeing it.

Seriously when did tryhard become a negative thing?

Like “oh I’m so cool I do LFR with un-enchanted gear, un-gemmed gear, pull auto attack level DPS, don’t get invited to groups and spend my time complaining on the forums about raiderio”

How is that better than putting in an ounce of effort, optimizing your character, joining good groups, making friends that actually want to play with you again, and having a blast?

I’ll take being a tryhard over a lazy noob any day of the week.


I am more willing to help a tryhard than anyone else. Even if they suck I will literally carry them through every form of content because I know they are trying. They are not trying to use me and waste my time for their benefit.


I see your comment a lot and I like pickles on my subs.

Wow, that does work!

Because the deciding factor to join said groups isnt enchants and gems - its a 3rd party score that can be bought.

They know this, they’re just rationalizing at this point.



Zonoes they are on to us. :roll_eyes:

My issue is a LOT of groups I see in the dungeon finder requiring unrealistic IO standards for entry level keys.

It’s like looking for your first job but even the basic opportunities requiring a X amount of experience.

Outside of actually playing with someone before, any factor can be bought.


It really is though. How can you expect to get your foot in the door and start building score with a group if you can’t even bother to prepare your character?

If someone has enchants, gems, proper essences, talents, azerite traits, corruptions, and is performing their rotation even moderately well, they will easily start timing keys, making friends that invite them back, and having a lot more success.

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Except that in this case everyone has the tools to start their own business and get the experience.


Reading comprehension for the loss once again.

The word “hard” never appeared in my post. I never said players were chasing “hard” content. I dont believe WoW has much “hard” content to offer. I said most players found progression appealing, and they will follow the path of progression until the point where they find a natural stopping point. Most people don’t look down on the top 1% of players like minority of vocal posters here do, proven by the viewership of Blizzard events highlighting the most elite players in the game.

Your average player probably has a few friends they like to play with, maybe irl maybe not, and like to log in to do a few dungeons a week after dinner. Maybe a +8 or something. If given the chance at something better, they’d take it. Your own point made above about the demand for selling keys/raids only proves this further, as players WANT what elites have earned, but maybe dont have the time/skill to get it. Players DO care about being good and try to get there, but most have limits in terms of priority that stop them from getting where they’d like to be, and thats ok.

IO shows you how many successful runs they have done. I doubt anyone in the history of wow has bought 80+ +15 carries.


and you are part of the problem.

See, a try hard is not fun. A lazy noob there is a chance that they are not just lazy but are new to the game, or just likes to talk. Join a group having a chat having fun. Going at his pace. That is what is more fun in other mmos. Inviting new players, or people never done something and helping them out.

In fact, I will say this. Anyone who pugs raids only, and thinks they are a raider. That alone makes me giggle. Like really? Part of what makes a raider is building up a guild. Making a community.

Group Finder replacing guilds and the community using meta builds pugging forces people to not be welcome. Try harding on low level keys? You see groups wanting people way over gear for it.

The wow community is a problem. I hate it so much, and I can’t even escape it in my fav mmo, because like maggots you infest it also.

Oh so you only take them if they have done 80 +15s?

Your making a further case against IO not for it…

People have admitted to buying enough tokens for long boi. This doesn’t seem like a stretch at this point.