Why is rio viewed as toxic?


You’re right… I’ll go to my little corner of the internet now.

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That is the answer people gave to them when people said they tried to use group finder and noone would join for low level keys.

The answer was find a guild to help.

Good than lets ban it.

Except thats not at all true, there is a guild in the news right now for selling carries and not looting the bosses. They sold 4 carries per Mythic NZoth Kill, at $500 each, thats over 100 dollars per person, for killing 1 boss. They were also selling Raden, same price.

12 bosses 500 a boss per carry, 4 carrys, 1200 dollars in a raid night, PER raider.

Try again dude.

People should be able to use whatever method they prefer.


Dude im guildless lol

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haha this so much

if a name is a reference to genitals (like, seriously people?), or just overtly stupid I’m not inviting them.

I guess I’m a name gatekeeper

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The answer is put your big boy pants on, go out there and get score if you want score.

You can bemoan all you want on the forums, I could take a fresh char of any class any spec and get it to 3k score no problem with no guild and no friends list.

If you can’t figure it out, it is nobody’s fault but your own.


If trying to run in my Tol Dagor M10+ and you have never run the dungeon, and this is your main, you have not measured up to my “ridiculous” standards and I’m not inviting you.

Ok, I see reading comprehension is not your strong point. Let me rephrase.

Do you have any achievements held by ACCOUNTS that show any form of progression outside of AOTC that take an equal amount of effort?

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Keep on reading, you’ll see that’s clearly not what was implied.

My husband uses it all the time, myself? I take pride not being part of the community in this way. I do endgame stuff in other mmorpgs…but my problem is that how Blizzard design this game. Wow players flood to my other mmos, and bring this toxic stuff to it. Hurting the community.

Wow needs to focus back on being social game, and the only way it can do that is to focus more on guilds again, and nerfing group finder. Turning everyone armory to private and only using item levels to build groups will be the first step in reshaping the community.

Then what would the tryhards use to troll or brag with?

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shrugs well I guess you are lying. Or the people here are lying. Either way I don’t care enough.

Does not change the fact I want Group Finder nerfed.

already did that but I got bored, we sold carries at 70k so 17,500g per carry was good.

yeah my rogue is on ragnaros so I think that’s the reason. Raider io helps with server stigma but not so much, can’t blame them.

This statement always makes me laugh, dont confuse effort for tryhardness cause your lazy or too scared to make a group


As someone who has completed more +15s and higher keys than Ralph on a regular basis. I will tell you Ralph doesnt know what he is talking about.


That doesnt even make any sense, is the problem its an irrelevant metric, I read it the first time.

The point of the argument is you said, that the majority are trying to complete hard content, and the reality is NO THERE NOT.

Your asking what other hard content they have done, which is stupid as the entire statement was THEY are not able to or want to do that hard content, you are the minority.

As to what Achievements, look for yourself? Is it hard to use WOWHEAD achievement tracker? Blizzard has one too, that too hard to use as well?

Because that clearly had anything to do with what I said. lol

You only need 1 per week, just to get your chest. Even apply as a carry dps and tell them they can have your split - you will carry for just the timer.

whenever I see someone bleating about “tryhards” all
I see is a person who doesn’t care to bring the best he can to group content.

give me a tryhard any day.