Why is rio viewed as toxic?

nah, I don’t do carries anymore.

I’m still rolling around in all the gold I made in 8.1/8.2 :wink:

And again for the peanut gallery

a player cannot gate another player from m+. A player can ONLY gate access to themself.

If you don’t like someone not inviting you, put on your big boy pants and make your own group.


I enjoy running 5 man’s with friends.

I don’t really run the ones I don’t like much, but I do run a ton of things I don’t need gear from for fun or helping guildies gear.

The score is irrelevant to me. If I cared, I’d be higher.

So you create your own group. and those players in the same key range to complete it are busdy buying carries to boost their rio - you are inviting who exactly?

Those that bought carries to boost their rio upto the ‘accepted standard’ then put the same restrictions on new groups and it goesa in circles.

That it’s a good tool for people who do and it should be left alone.

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At the end of the day,it seems that the people that cry about rio,have not done a freaking mythic+ at all. It’s like they need some boogyman to blame for their lack of skill,or that they are too lazy to start a group.

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The only people that join Low IO Groups, are Trolls that mess the key up and leave.

Nice try though.

Ya all that gear you made selling access to the Gatekeeping.

Raider io can stay, Carry sales need stopped. The defensive of RIO “It shows us skill of the player” No it shows you that player can buy some carries.

these people even sell carries for Pugs, they literally sell you a carry, then pug the entire group without the Pugs knowing you are charging one of them for a carry. Its out of control.


I’d say its probably your kind that is the “fraction”.

Most people want to get better. Most people want to push higher keys. Most people want better gear. Its like the most basic, fundamental reward system in the game. Even Blizzard events are all about highlighting the top performers in the game…MDI, PvP tournaments. The average player likes this stuff.

Sure, there are some players who dont care about progression at all and just want to tmog and collect stuff, but the average dude who never comes on these forums and plays some WoW with his friends a few times a week uses progression as the carrot on the stick to keep playing. Cutting Edge? Maybe not, but most people are not afraid of being called an elitist if thats where their natural path led them. They would think its cool, and rightfully so.

This is cute, but make your own group like I said. Ya, did you not see the countless threads of people saying they tried to get into it, but waited hours for people to join leave, the forum than said. “Get a guild to help you get your score up.”

You all got a answer for everything.

While I obviously don’t deny that a lot of people buy carries
You also cannot deny that a lot of people don’t buy carries.

I’ve never had a problem - never - filling a key at any level.

ok well there was that one time, but it was like, 4 am.

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10-20% of the max character leveled accounts ever get AOTC. 2% get keystone master.

Its actually not my kind, thanks for playing.

All I’m reading in this thread is a bunch of excuses.

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what a ridiculous lie

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Do you sell carries?

She just said she does/did.

They all DO, all these elitists who say we dont deserve wellfare gear, ect. They sell carrrys, its only Okay to have gear if you pay them for it.

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They know this, but they are just bsing with the build your own group answer. It is the cope out this forum always uses.

no, I don’t. I used to do carries for one of the carry discords, but I stopped when 8.3 hit

I make my own groups. Why cant you?

What are you on about? You think 100% of people are buying carries?


Of the m+ content i seen in 8.2, id say 70% of m+ was carry groups in some form or another.

That sounds like bullsh*t, but okay.