Why is rio viewed as toxic?

100% of the players I met over 4k were better players than I was.
Almost all players I met over 3k were better than almost all the players I met under 1k.

It isn’t always totally accurate but it’s pretty dam close.

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?? I already explained why.

It makes the community worse in the long run. Other mmo community don’t have such limits, don’t force the player base to do a extra grind. Just a gear check.

Not only is raider IO bad for the community, but it also hurts guilds. The pug scene should not be forcing meta, and there should be a risk when inviting people. You should have limited info. If you want more info on people do guild runs.

Blizzard needs to take away the power of pugging, and force armory private. That will help clean up the community some, because people will be willing to do harder content with builds they enjoy, and not be judge by not going meta. Because the player base gate content behind it like 15 or under keys, and if you want to pug higher than that. Do it with a guild.

Because most people don’t like to be judged, even if the factors they are being judged upon it actually within their own control.

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RIO isnt toxic, Gatekeeping is Toxic.

Easy Fix.

Make M+ a solo Q, like other games have, no more interaction with players = no more issues. I am not saying remove the ability to group for those with friends, but remove the LFG and put in Solo Q.

again with this nonsense.

the only thing a player can gate is access to THEM, THEIR group and THEIR time.

and that 100% should not change.

A player cannot gate m+ content. They cannot stop any other player from getting a key and making a group.

oh cry me a river with the “not everyone is a leader” or “I’m afraid to make a group”

that is the individual gating themself.


Ever read The Giver?

People want a society where people who perform poorly are regarded the same as those who excel.

Cause, you know, being rated hurts people’s feelings.


Literally I still don’t get this. How does pugging hurt guilds when the biggest appeal of joining a guild is that you don’t have to pug. Like, have you never seen guild advertisements? If I had a dollar for every time a guild advertised with “Are you tired of pugging?”, I’d probably pre-purchase Shadowlands.


It is not non sense.

The only thing others players should see is players gear that is it. Right now Group Finder has replace the job of what Guilds should be and do.

The community gates players all the time. If you don’t have a certain achievement even making groups is hard. It is a lie to say that you can build your own groups and everything is fine. It is bs and you all know it.

Group Finder needs a nerf and to do that. Turning armory private for all and force it would nerf it, and bring life back into guilds.

If you want a good group, with all the info like this. Guilds should be that. Making guilds needed more is a must.

You will just be kicked once you get there.

Hahaha hahaha jajajaja hahahaha

Its viewed as toxic because players use it as a basis to pick and choose from a list - it doesnt give enough detail, just another ‘ilvl number’

Players buy runs, inflating their rio score.
Players that didnt grind rio early are always left behind no matter how good they are.
A player can be a CE mythic level raider on an alt and rio doesnt reflect it so.
RIO is used to exclude and prevent players from playing and i suspect its to keep the ‘carry market’ profitable.

bad idea because comp matters.

maybe? but they can catch up. But even so, a stranger picking from a list in LFG doesn’t know how good someone is. All they have to go by is experience.

and that’s better than ilvl

what does it matter? raid ability =/= m+ ability. people need to get that through their heads. I know plenty of CE raiders who are awful at m+ — because they don’t know the basics of m+. Because, as their raiderio score shows, they don’t run enough of it to be practiced at it.

no. I use it to exclude and prevent players from playing with me.

I don’t care if they go forth and play with others.

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I was on an alt the other day…probably 430 ilvl with pathetic dps. I decided to see how high I could push my key. I expected maybe a +5 or something. Turns out that thing went all the way to +10 just because I made my own group and had good players joining to run it with me. Amazing!


Nah. I never did any m+ since I wasn’t playing legion and most of BFA. Started back in this season, so I wasn’t even maxed until well into it, and I have no problem with it. The only thing limiting my score is the fact that I don’t really run the dungeons I’m not a big fan of.

You can link your main and alts on IO, so if you have a great main score, it shows on your alt

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Know what? Since this forum seems to think since they do it. That is the normal, when many people post saying it is not. I will just say you are lying, because this community is not to be trusted.

Yes yes, when someone presents an anecdote that goes against your beliefs, they must be lying. I know how the game works.

I mean I don’t wanna have to carry some broke bum at the arcade giving them quarters and stuff, do you?

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That sounds awful. Which is why people created raiderio. If you don’t like it don’t use it.


No? Im saying that what I’ve seen from my friends and what other people are saying. I will trust my friends over you. Good job getting lucky i guess? lol