Why is rio viewed as toxic?

brofist . .

The fact that’s what you got out of all my posts, leads me to believe you don’t actually read the posts, nor actually care, you just wanna tear at someone whom has different opinions.

You do you though.

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simple really coz every post you go to you keep repeating yourself over and over and over like a broken record.

But hey like your said. You do you

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Rio tells the Truth. And the Truth hurts.


Rio is bad because it separates addicted gamers from normal players who play 1-2 hours a day

Tbh it doesn’t show the truth, it just separates people based on something

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Not a bad thing. You’re expecting to be invited on a key that you’re in no way ready for?

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This is laughable at best. My main is 2299. I have 3 others over 1k…I would probably be considered casual or just above based on play time…

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It’s almost like I have a point of view, and have to explain it multiple times to people who jump into conversations without reading every post on a thread. :woman_shrugging:

let’s see.

  • remove timers

  • I don’t care about it/dont do them

  • Ban raider IO

Did I get them all?

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I mean if it makes the game more enjoyable for me? Sure? Like just like you all want to keep things that make it less enjoyable for me.

I love that you all show your true colors. Trying to take a moral high ground on changes that. At least I am real in saying I fully understand that no middle ground can be had, and some changes I want to happen will ruined your fun. I’m ok with it.

Just like you are ok not having the changes and ruining mine.

I’ve never said ban raider IO, just say I don’t like it, and personally wish it as an opt-in system, not an opt out.

Good to get confirmation you don’t actually read what I post though. :popcorn:


Remove armory, or make it all private is what I really want. You can’t see other people achievements.


and that’ll help you with? Why hide achieve?

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How is your enjoyability of the game diminished by others being able to see the experience of players that want to join their group?


if you let people opt out others will assume that because you opted out you are bad

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The game doesnt need to change. You just have to step up your game. 5 to 15 years of WoW on our belt. We know the drill: dont step on fire, interrupt bad spells, stun the mobs, crowd control the mobs, dispel bad spells on your mate, dont put your toon next to cleaving mobs, dont put your toon on front of mobs that have deadly cone attacks, dont tunnel vision and watch what’s happening, etc. We didnt start M+ as perfect players. We started at the lowest M+ difficulty, learned from our mistakes and stepped up one key at a time. We kept on practicing… making more attempts to train our brains and fingers until it becomes automatic. And we do improve. Why are you not like us? Becoz you feel entitled that you should be doing high Mythic+ with us without bleeding on lower key levels?

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Opting out is how it currently is, you have to actively and purposely pursue opting out of the system, including signing up for websites, and jumping through annoying hoops you probably don’t want to just to not have to deal with it.

The system should be an opt-in system. Not an opt-out system.

Bullyio is meaningless, not toxic. People buy boosts a lot. People sell boosts a lot. Most people make money selling them so they actively try to propagate the idea that it is meaningful, helpful and good and “will definitely help you get into groups, I assure you, so buy my carries now like a good goy”. This then means people that pay lots of money for that want to believe it or are just dupes in general that earnestly think it anyway and help the market continue. Literally anyone can do a +15 easily in time now with all these corruptions, even the randoms I take in every week. Time was they’d screw up occasionally and kill my key but I didn’t care because there was no point doing higher keys. There still isn’t, of course, but that’s the other reason it doesn’t matter- there is absolutely nothing to be gained from doing higher than a very set and easily doable amount. The only reason to do more is to get more score and…that’s it. No gear, no achievements, no loot, nothing. Just more score and the only people that care about the score are the other people that do it. They in turn only even care about it in terms of who they want to run things with with regards to their own weird pointless content.

It isn’t like an arena score that’s a real thing that relates to loot, mounts, achievements and other stuff. That stops matter at a high enough level too but that’s a level far beyond most players while a 15 isn’t. Likewise, Mythic raid bosses are done or not done. Bullyio is a meaningless score and while a “number of times keyed” is a useful measure and indeed the only thing I check when taking people for my weekly dungeon, the actual score is irrelevant. I don’t care if someone has just done the 3 dungeons they want drops from 30 times. His io is probably going to be like 500 but he’s fine for what I’m doing. What more does he need?

Bullyio only matters to people doing keys past 15 which is its own weird little box with customs and ideas and nonsense that matters only to them. Let them gatekeep their own little box all they want. Why would you want to join them? I hate try-hards but they can do their own little try-hard stuff without worrying me the least bit since I never do keys they do and I keep them out of my keys the same way I keep out whoever the hell I feel like.


It would be like people looking up your credit score to see if you can go to the arcade with them.

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step up my game? Why? I don’t need to be better at wow. The content that requires me to be better at would require me to do stuff with the community. No thanks, Until this community gets cleaned up, I’m ok with this being my casual game.

Now if Blizzard does some of the changes I want, and I see the community start getting better. I might become more part of it. But until that time, The lack of mythic dungeons and raiding achievements I got is a badge of honor for me. It is my stance.