Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Lots of nerds want their io page to look perfect…

I’m confused with the objective of this thread. On the surface, it appears to be asking for someone’s reasons. Once those are given, it seems to change to trying to shame them. So was the original objective to shame people?

people use the tool for leaders of groups also.

The point is this, Pugs are too strong right now. Taking away from the social elements and guild making.

I got a feelings this will change in the future. Blizzard is hinting and trying stuff out. I can’t wait.

If someone isnt meeting the expectations I have in terms of statistics, why shouldnt I be able to see that before I waste my key on them?

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Ironically, the one of the best ways for a new and/or bad player to learn dungeons in a friendly environment is by joining a guild.


I know this is a 600 post thread but we already determined that gatekeeping content is fine. You can’t make us feel bad for it. Your idea of “what is geared enough” is not the same as mine, and you are not entitled to a spot on my key because of some arbitrary value you applied to yourself.

This is the only reason a pug scene exists. Can you imagine the crapshoot pugs would be without io? Funny enough the only people who dont need this information are the guilds.

Above point, and lol at telling me what I should be okay with in an mmo. Its neither charming nor fun to be in a group with people who dont share your goals.

And finally… you are not, nor will you ever be the arbiter of what a “good” mmo is. And i thank all the gods above and below that this is the case. You’re honestly what makes the community bad for me.

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I agree with that.

I know for a fact what I want will ruin your fun. Just like what you want is would mine. I’m cool. I got no hard feelings.

With the convent stuff, and what ION has been saying. I have hope that maybe Blizzard is leaning toward how I feel, and what I find fun in mmos.

No middle ground to be had, our visions on what we want from wow to change is not the same, and that is ok. Blizzard will make a choice.

Great thing about MMOS is they are always changing, so you might not like what is coming, but it will change again.

You say I want to ruin your fun? I want a tool that allows me to group with people that have similar experience to mine. Unless you find glomming onto groups you have no business being in fun, I dont see how being a proponent of .io ruins yours.

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This is why. People like this.

There’s the answer. Humans make things bad when it’s really just bad humans.

That was the original intent, yes.

The OP had no interest in listening to folks who had a different opinion than him.

ppl are toxic, rio is just a website that says it like it is

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All that dancing on the sand really bugs some people.

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I too decline dark iron dwarf who pretends to be humans =P

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you keep demanding on changing something that you said yourself does not affect you. Why are you crying about it so much when you clearly don’t care about it/experience it. You clearly just the type of person who wants to drag people down to your level rather than improve yourself

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Inserting the SHAME SHAME SHAME meme… :smirk:


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It’s no different than AotC in a way, but it is also as misleading as AotC is as well since folks can buy/get carried through them ez pzy.

In all, people being people, it’s not the systems problem.

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please show me someone who buyed 50+ runs. You guys keep yelling bought run. But in my experience people will only buy some run probably to get their KSM. Mostly 12 runs w/ just a single 15 per dungeon. If you’re looking at the score then you’re doing it wrong. You look at the overall picture which is the amount of run he’s done as well as who he runs with.

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I don’t think folks are just buying, it’s why I mentioned getting carried as well. Waaaaaaay back when when I actually did content, we had a dude that was straight up awful, but we still brought him along because he was fun and we knew we could carry him. Same thing can apply here.

So you just like ruining people’s fun? Glad that’s cleared up.

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