Why is rio viewed as toxic?

It’s not like m+ is hard! Don’t invite the person who did the dungeon at a relevant level. Invite ME instead! It’s just an arbitrary number!

Getting mad at IO is like big people getting mad at mirrors.


I think people just have issues being judged on the basis of a site before they can ever actually prove themselves.

I don’t do endgame content these days but if I wanted to start I would HAVE to make my own groups because I’d have a RIO score of yikes. Because I don’t do the content. But I’m pretty confident in my hunter skills.

How dare you invited people who have proven their competency and not me, give me a chance!

You don’t even know if they got carried! You do somehow know I’ll be good though!

That’s table ante for mythic endgame. The biggest driver of success in PvE is familiarity with the content. Average Joe Hunter who’s run ToS 40+ times will outperform the best raid hunter in the world if he hasn’t seen the content before.

Now that’s an extreme example, granted, but it’s true that in m+ content, experience matters more than anything else. Someone parsing green and not getting killed by cyclone strike is better to have than an orange parser who dies 15 seconds in.

I learn encounters fast.

That said, there’s no way to learn things outside of doing them and everyone starts somewhere. That’s where Raider IO is a blocking issue if you are not comfortable with making your own groups.

but, like, this is literally what ppl are saying here…you get the exp by building your score. As I stated a ways back up, I started a fresh 120 of a class and role I have never played in any thing serious. On a non meta spec too boot. While, yes my prior exp helps me with knowing mechanics, choosing to heal v. tank is something totally new to me. I went from a fresh 120 to getting into 10s and timing them and gettin my io over 1k. While not terribly impressive, if I can do it as a healer having never healed before I’m sure you can do it on your main…

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Id like to see this. Lol I bet the best players in the world could walk into a dungeon without seeing it and still do as good if not a bit better than the average random thats ran it 100 times.

But back on topic, RIO has its place, but i’ve lost faith in it as well. I run into people that have ok RIO scores for the level of keys they are doing yet they still struggle in keys to the point you start asking yourself how they got that many timed X runs surely they aren’t paying for 30-40-50 or more timed runs ;/

I think this pitch has run its course, well done sir/man


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its not RIO its the people

what are the things that identify skill you said in last sentence

Daily emissary is 445 at some point

Wow, you noticed that huh? Thank you Captain Obvious, I literally stated that later in the thread.

yeah can’t be bothered reading through 600 posts sorry :slight_smile:

Because players leave mythics prematurely to save their io score. I like the addon, I just wish blizzard implemented a system that punishes players for leaving a mythic prematurely.

If they did - people who leave today would sabotage the groups once they determined that they wouldn’t make to time to get kicked out.

Funny because your IO score never decreases, it can only go up if you time a higher level than previous.


Want a long list of reasons? Ok

It is a extra tool used by the community to gate keep people. If someone wants to do lower level keys and has the gear for it. That should be the only factor. If he needs to learn. Learn it in a group.

It gives too much power to pugging. Having this much control over info should be for guilds and building through the guild system.

All in All we need to force armory to be private on everyone, limit the info players can get, and try? Making a pug should have some risks, and that is ok. Having a bad group is ok in a mmo. That is part of the charm and fun of pugging. To see what happens.

Wow needs to understand what a good mmo is. This community is so bad because they are giving too much info on each other. The meta controls the players way too much in a pug setting.

Nothing’s stopping them from making their own group.

“Looking forward to a night of wiping with a pug” said no one ever.

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