Why is rio viewed as toxic?

You can in fact get into m+ of any level without much difficulty (given you have experience with lower keys). I started doing m+ a month ago, and I’ve completed something like 50 runs. As a dime a dozen DPS. Some people think that they’re entitled to keys that give gear upgrades without having seen the dungeon at a lower level because “come on people, it’s not too hard!”, apparently.

We call those toxic casuals. The attitude, not himself.

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yea, i dont think people put themselves in the leader’s shoes, why would they take someone who has no idea what theyre doing? i started playing a few months into 8.3 after a long break and pushed to 2k, it really isnt that hard

It’s not hard. And I don’t care that they don’t want to waste an hour running the same dungeon at a lower key to gain experience. Your time is not more valuable than mine, and you won’t get an invite over someone who put in the time to learn the dungeon.

I haven’t tried in a while but there have been many times where I got turned down on some trivially low key for some other DPS with a much higher io and/or ilvl. Which makes sense I guess, everybody always wants everything to be faster, but it sucks having to go through groups.

I’m not saying otherwise, just laying out how rio usage upsets some.

This comes from a combination of the game dropping high-ish ilvl gear in players’ laps for doing almost nothing and the only “reward” for doing under-upgrade-level dungeons being a key upgrade. The first is fixed by capping world gear rewards at M0. The second, I dunno.

WQ rewards are already capped at M0 levels.

Not just WQ, but other solo stuff, except maybe visions/torghast.

make sure youre not applying to a dungeon with a mount, higher ilvl players will join those and clear them all the time, i remember one time 4 475 ilvl players joined a +2 undr and we cleared it in 5-10 mins lol

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What solo stuff award higher than 430 gear beside visions? Unless you mean easy puggable content like WFs and weekly TW/Mythic quest. Which I do agree should not drop high ilvl items. 445 for the 4 mythics is fine. 460 for DS WF is way too high for half-afking for 30 mins.

People that doesn’t want to go all in in a certain thing in their lives have to put the one who do it down (even in a game), try to get fit or do something good, you’ll have people telling you are obssesed and you are TooOOxIc


Off the top of my head, there’s world bosses, TW quest, invasion weekly, against all odds, and warfronts. Maybe some others I’m missing. It’s not too hard to hit ~450 with those alone (I know because I did exactly that, lol).

Visions/torghast are cool with me because they have proper progression built in, and nobody is mindlessly bumbling their way up to five masks starting with solo gear.

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I think visions gear awards are about 5 ilvl too high for the effort. But ya, I agree with your point. Gear is very easy to acquire.

Is your line of work pushing keys?

Also this is a dumb statement. Of course you can have years of experience and have a low io score.

You can also have less and have a higher score.

It’s more about getting the experience in the big keys to begin with, not how much experience you have as a whole.

Read my above posts, some of the way that groups elect to deal with these mechanics change drastically as you go up in key level.

Raiderio merely indicates a player has experience dealing in mechanics this way.

Sure 1 guy may be more skilled and is executing said mechanic at a higher success rate after fewer attempts.

You can also have someone who knows what to do, but just fails more often than others. He might have tons of high keys, but is plateauing in score because he just doesn’t do enough damage or fails too often to get invited back to groups.

Either way, raiderio will indicate that both of these players at least have familiarity with said mechanics, and have a reasonable chance of knowing what to do, as opposed to someone with no score, who will have no clue what you are talking about when you say to port the upheaval in TD or to bait the bird in FH.

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Ilvl is the most meaningless number in the game.


This. The comment about ilvl being somehow meaningful made me laugh

I’ll pass on the 476 player with no experience in favor of the 467 player with multiple timed dungeons every time.


It’s just the PvP rating of PVE, just like PvP good players don’t want to play with other players who are not at the same level. Now it just shines a huge spotlight on a players lack of experience and they don’t like that

But it’s so unfair!

/stomps foot and cries.

This is actually such a profound quote. I’ve never thought about it this way, but yeah. This actually explains so much of the attitudes on this forum of people that get some sort of satisfaction from seeing mythic raiders punished with horrible systems and decisions that have 0 impact on the way they play the game.

Reminds me of looking at casuals posting in threads asking for ML to return for mythic 100% guild groups only telling them they abuse their trials, meanwhile they are defending LFR in a separate thread asking “Why do people care how others play the game?!?!?!”.

But I am geared and can handle the content! I ran warfronts and everything

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Looks up OPs credit score
Ooh sorry, we can only accept people with a better credit score, sorry! goes out to get ice cream with his friends