Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Except I didn’t take it out of context.

You might want to go back and read everything you wrote, because you literally talked yourself in a circle and disproved your own arguments.

no one said it guarantees success, it makes ur chances higher. Can you make one post have a small amount of substance or meaning at least?

You are absolutely right about why it’s a bad metric. Rationalizations cannot hide this. It’s just the only thing they have.

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2 people apply for a dungeon. Similar gear level, but one has completed the dungeon at a high level, while the other has not. I know nothing about these people except for what dungeons they completed. Why would I pick the inexperienced one?

I would like you to explain how I disproved myself when the two things I was talking about were totally different topics.

Experience still matters when you’re applying to a dungeon group or irl job. Muscle memory transcends intelligence.

Pot, meet kettle

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The only thing that ACTUALLY makes your chances higher is taking someone with a higher gear level.

With IO all you get is a guess, at best.

Sure, IO shows you WHAT someone has experienced, but it doesn’t show you how they will perform overall.

Gear stats are hard math you can calculate. IO score is jello you throw against the wall and hope it sticks.

Obviously you’ve never heard of WarcraftLogs, if you want to get detailed.

That’s literally every post defending IO. Baseless rationalizations.

if you actually think ilvl matters more than io you cant be reasoned with

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Is that IO? No?

So then why are we discussing it in an IO thread?

This is so disingenuous and full of crap. If higher scores didn’t offer a better probability of success then people wouldn’t use it. No one here even begins to suggest that it guarantees success, you just sound like a salty whiner who decided they deserve to be invited to 15’s because you clicked the button.

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It makes you wonder about some though. If all they had to fix their pipes was a hammer, imagine how they’d feel if they were given an actual pipe wrench. And all that after having said that the hammer was doing just fine.

If you actually think that IO matters AT ALL and isn’t anything more than a random number generator, you’re beyond help.

It isn’t a random number generator. It’s a number based on what dungeons you completed.

And that’s where your argument is flawed, because IO doesn’t just mean “this number good.” It’s a repository for all information about a single character, including amount of runs timed or not they did.

I think the only valid grievance people have with it is that it can be used inappropriately (e.g. for M0 up through +5 groups) and can become a bar to entry, particularly for those dependent on pugging and not comfortable running their own group (or if they get stuck with a key that nobody wants to run). Can’t raise your rio score if you can’t get into runs.

i would agree except for the fact you can get into 2s at 420 ilvl

It is no one else’s responsibility to invite you to their groups.

yeah i can see why theres a stigma against you now

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