Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Sure, it has flaws.
But it’s better than the alternative, which is no quality control on your pugs

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it does this

no you cant, someone who knows how to read it can tell. usually people with little experience with the addon assume this

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In my line of work, I see lots of people who have years and years of experience in their jobs but are still no good at it.

When even the pets out DPS you.



cool, good thing no one cares

No you can’t, and no it isn’t.

Depends on what your line of work is, can be true can be not. Also doing Mythic+ wouldn’t be comparable to that.

Nice way to reinforce the stigma you hold.

Toxic?! One if my favorite Duran Duran songs man! What’s wrong with it.

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Yes it can, and yes it is - one of the things it’s meant to do anyway.

How do you think employers do it in the real world?

I thought it was Britney Spears?


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Mythic + isn’t comparable to work experience, or did I read you wrong?

I think people take rejection the wrong way, and don’t bother to look at the other side of the story. Raider IO unfortunately can paint a narrow assessment of someones competency, but it most of the time tells a story of a players pattern in M+, being rejected is part of the game, this is why building strong social connections is important in an MMO, you can’t lean on random peoples shoulders in pugs to take you higher, in the same way I wouldn’t want to queue arenas with someone whos peaked at 1900 while im in 2200+ brackets. But I would if it was a friend.

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I imagine that a random sample of people doing the same job with no experience will yield even worse results. There’s no rational argument against experience being useful.

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they somehow make arguments against it i cant believe they are still doing this

Doing a Mythic+ dungeon does not take the amount of intelligence that whatever that man is doing as a day job, assuming he works in an actual job that requires an amount of intellect and a degree/certification.

What I said about comparing employers and their methods of hiring and group leaders using raider IO is the same, and you can’t disprove that.

So then IO showing you what someone has done, doesn’t mean that they can or will complete the content, and is in fact, a useless metric.

Thanks for agreeing with me and clearing that up.

Taking my quote out of context doesn’t strengthen your argument, which you had none in the first place, try again.

Beaupeep’s known to do that, youd do better arguing against a brick wall.

Nobody said there wasn’t. I was just pointing out that experience doesn’t always mean you’re good at something. One company I audited, the promoted people from within based on experience rather than competency. They had the worst management of any company I audited. More than half didn’t even understand their own processes.

I know, off topic but just some trivia.