Why is rio viewed as toxic?

All that amounts to mechanics that have been done before just at increasing lethality levels. Additionally the way of handling that fight is nothing new to the game this has been done before. Just from different fights. Awkward understood what I was saying about them being the same, not sure why you can’t. No matter guess not everyone is able to identify just how much the same everything is when you break it down. Even if they are different in number, lethality, or order.

It does sound more fun, and I do believe it was their original intention. They just didn’t have time to sufficiently polish it before they had to release it. The fights are different from even what we saw in beta. For example, in the Carapace fight, there was no room split when tentacle hit. You were supposed to climb the tentacle and fight the adds on top of it. That was changed into the awkward mechanic we see in live.

Unfortunately, we don’t have the same quality of developers as we used to. I don’t say that as a slam. Then again, while I personally like the Yogg fight, I hated the first half of Ulduar.

It’s almost as if it’s a big risk to make not only the raid itself but the fights good because it would set a bar of expectation.

Sadly, it’s not that some people can’t, it’s that they don’t want to. The line in the sand has already been drawn.

I think it’s not so much stubbornness. I think it’s just more simple that some people have a harder time noticing patterns. Or unable to break things down to the basic level of information while others can. I just have a hard time understanding how come some can’t. I would think anyone with a remote skill level with this game would easily identify the tools Blizzard uses again and again.

It’s not the same though, because groups ignore those mechanics at lower levels. How often have you been in a +10 key where the boss is being tanked in the correct spot and mele dps are line of sighting the shot?

The answer is never.

It’s the same going back to Legion.

I played warlock, and on the last boss of Eye of Azshara on very high keys soaking the big circle was instant death. If you were pugging 15s and 20s, you likely soaked no big deal as a group.

If you are doing a 26 or 27, you are using immunities and / or trinkets.

I had to build a set of gear that used the Aggramar tank trinket combined with dismissing my pet, using sacrificial pact (you got a bigger shield if no pet was active), unending resolve, and asking for our healer to use the coven on use trinket shield.

With all that I could solo soak as a warlock. It took many tries to get the numbers right, and had I not had the experience I would have had a 0% chance of success.

Sure, the mechanic exists on a +10, but how many people are going that far out of their way to optimize something that is trivial on lower difficulties?

This is why experience is king in M+.

Always annoys me how Blizzard refuse to sit on a mid-expansion tier because they want to get to the last one as quickly as they can, even if it’s not ready yet.

BoD and TEP were fantastic raids that could have easily been expanded a month each to add a couple months of development onto Nya’lotha.

Nya’lotha was an average tier that looks downright awful in comparison to BoD or TEP. If it had have had another 1-2 months polish (and Blizzard didn’t go ahead with Corruptions), BFA would probably have been known as the best raid expac to date.

I gotta disagree there.

Azshara, Jaina, Mekkatorque and Rastakhan were all absolutely brilliant fights that did credit to their character easily on par with Arthas or Yogg. After seeing the fights of BFA, Yogg and Arthas have some serious competition for top 5, they’re no longer auto-includes when you have to compare them to FL Rag, Lei Shen, Blackhand and now Azshara and Jaina.

N’zoth being disappointing is notable because being disappointing makes him an outlier.


It doesn’t just exist in the +10. It exists everywhere in the game. You may not realize for some reason but if you have been playing for more then a few expansion which I assume you have. Then the odds of you having experienced all the mechanics which make up that fight has already been done. You are already practiced in doing them. The skill comes from being able to transfer that past experience into current experience. And executing them in the right order Just like anything else in life the game is full of transferable skills.

I agree. Game would’ve been perfectly fine with a 10 months drought instead of a full year at the end of the expansion. Oh, well. That’s how most large corporations operate.

A bad final encounter in an expansion is (to me) one of the most disappointing things. You would think logically, it would go out in a blaze of glory. You know that even pessimistic people look forward to it.

I didn’t mean to make it sound like we’ve never had good encounters since then because we have. I know some say Dragon Soul was a garbage raid but I really enjoyed it and I know there are others that did too. But I guess it’s all opinion at this point. I’ve not been impressed with a raid since SoO, myself.

They very well may not see the patterns. I’m only saying that (at least from lots of observations) that there are many on here who you you can tell likely understand and get the point but just refuse to acknowledge it. They may feel it makes them look weak.

This is just false. You seem to have a fundamental lack of understanding as to just how tryhard it can get in the big boy keys.

Another example from Legion, in Darkheart Thicket, on the last boss, when I was targeted by the nightmare bolt, I had to:

  1. Already be standing at max range
  2. Have a gate placed to immediately gate backwards away from the boss
  3. Be fast enough to not die

Where else do you do this anywhere else in the game? Using gate to range a mechanic that has a 50 yard range?

Where else would you have practiced this?

How would you even know to do this had you not done very high Darkheart Thicket runs to where the mechanic 1 shot you?

The point is that yes, the mechanics are the same, but the ways that groups deal with those mechanics vary DRASTICALLY based on keystone level.

This is why experience is king. If you don’t have the experience doing keys at a higher level, you won’t be familiar with how your group intends to deal with the mechanics, and you will fail and wipe the group.

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This whole thread is amusing. If I’m doing a high enough key that most mechanics will 1 shot you, then I’ll want you to have experience with the dungeon. You can spare me your philosophy thesis on elitism. End of story.


GATEKEEPING AND REQUIRING EXPERIENCE? how could you? youve failed this community you are contributing to a toxic mindset

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It creates elitism where if you don’t meet a certain IO you MUST be bad no matter what.

I thought you meant the brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. I was in agreement.

Most people who get denied from a M+ group generally are because that certain class they apply as is not wanted by the group leader, or that you and everyone else in the queue with you get auto-declined due to the group filling up.

What you’re saying has no evidence to support it, and it shows that you never ran a group with IO as a tool.

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not be bad but not good enough for the level that the leader is doing. Again a leader can make their own rules. Anyone can dictate their minimum io, what makes your minimum make more sense than their minimum? Bad is subjective as well. 3K and 4k players probably think im bad, and 5k players probably view them as bad. If im doing a key i have a standard of an appropriate level of experience

also this i dont think u realize how much excess dps there are

And then you have the elitists who have low IO and wanna be carried by higher IO and act snobby :joy: but yeah you have to no life M+ to even get high up with little to no chance to progress except with your own key.

Y e a h. This is how you build your IO so you can get invited to others’ keys.

Or just don’t play a DPS that’s not a Demon Hunter.

Assigning a numerical value to a players skill is always going to be a bad system.

Anyone can buy a full +15 dungeon and have a respectable RIO, Does that make them a good player? NO.

RIO should only show recently completed keys, and highest key completion per dungeon, and not assign a numerical value to anyone.

You can gauge skill based on experience, which is what RIO is meant to do.

You can tell if someone bought their runs, it’s easy to spot it.

They show all runs, timed or not. Also no.