Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Apologies - went over the list again - hes done enough to unlock the Zandalari Trolls… 163 mounts to go over. Crusader’s Direhorn specifically is something hes got in his collection.

That said none of the big achievement mounts of the expansion stuck out to me.

No, you actually didn’t. Experience is being too emphasized. Yes experience is important, but most that experience you need provided you are capable of transfering your experience well. Is nothing really beyond what you already know from the rest of the content you have done. You already know the dungeon layout, the rest is just mechanics. Blizzard isn’t the most inventive people in the world 99.99% Of mechanics in this game are either exactly the same as another mechanic or close enough that you can generally know how it works just by looking at it. The only place further experience may assist you is in perfecting your timing. Although this won’t really be all that useful in a PuG because that also requires the level of coordination you will only really have with a tight group you have played with for some time. This is mostly for timing things such interrupt orders and the like. All content in WoW is more or less the same though, once you experienced any true endgame, you experienced it all.

Stay out of the bad
Kill the Adds (except in specific situations)
Interrupt lethal spells
Manage your aggro.
and the list goes on but it’s all the same as literally every other end game content.

I did a +7 on hunter with a 432 healer (I invite first person of required role to apply) with zero issues. 2 chested as well. RIO is way over-used.

It is useful for higher keys, and I have found my experience with groups that require a decent IO score to be better overall in 10+ keys.

Like I said

He doesn’t have the experience no need to be on the podium

Yet you got people who don’t have any and claim themselves experts

i have the gear of people who run mdi (besides mythic raid bis azerite) i dont think i could do nearly as much dps as them or kite nearly as good as them or just in general have as much awareness at them

cmon, that kinda comes off as ignorant

Ah yes

Let me tell people that my experience doing sunwell heroic raiding is the equivalent of mythic Ny’loatha raiding

Because I too remember dealing with corruption and a legendary cloak while fighting kiljaden

I’m sure I’ll be accepted in a mythic progression group

Is it though? Once you truly break it down. How many truly unique mechanics is there in this game. Sure they may look different in some ways but they all are dealt with mostly in the same manner. Boil it all down to the core of how you deal with the mechanics and it’s exactly the same.

Hear that stormbreaker, he thinks if you had done burning crusade raiding at content 12 years ago it’s the same as N’Zoth mechanics

Wonder why we didn’t get sanity bar from SoO garrosh

You mean a fancy enrage timer?

I guess I’m confused here…is the toxicity coming from people pushing 15+ or the people in sub 10s?

people think that not letting in someone qualified for your key or having your own standards is toxic and raid io helps people set those standards so people blame it on rio and call it toxic.

All bosses have enrage timers

Please do tell more in how garrosh was a giant tentacle old god and we vaporized him with a laser

Sry should have used a /s there :slight_smile:

Raid mechanics are like a Rubik’s Cube.

Sure there’s only a 6 colours, but it’s possible to mix them up into literally quantillions of different combinations.

My biggest praise for BFA is that even though the game is 15 years old, Blizzard are still ridiculously good at innovating boss fights. BoD especially was probably their most creatively designed raid in the past decade.


nzoth was really cool felt like a real vision yknow? and it gives them the perfect set up to continue the nzoth story and make the entirety of nyalotha a vision

I’ll give you that, but it’s still more or less the same. They are also all fairly identifiable. Just a little bit of research goes a long way then from there you just kick in your transferable understanding of the mechanic. Experience is helpful in that you need to know how to deal with those mechanics. But beyond that. I’m not so sure. At some point it becomes just second nature. The hardest part then becomes being tuned with the rest of your group. Which again, works better in long term teams then it does a PuG.

Visually? Yes.

Mechanically? Meh. Mekkatorque was a far more creatively designed fight than N’zoth.

If I had to rank the end bosses of each tier, N’zoth would be dead last not because he was inherently an awful fight, but purely because Jaina and Azshara were incredibly well designed. N’zoth is about on par with G’huun in regards to mechanics, but G’huun edges out because you didn’t have to have like 10 immunities for the fight to work properly.

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I will say it does get confusing when Blizzard pulls a fast one on you, and something that looks like you are suppose to avoid is actually something your suppose to stand in. Thankfully they don’t do that much.

Interesting considering my first post in this thread stated that I thought it was the tool. Why make things up?