Why is rio viewed as toxic?

lmao, nobody proved anything other than I have a mount from Legion. I see why people here talk about you as they do. Why continue to reinforce it?

Fair enough.

Which means you didn’t even do BFA end content

Sorry sir but it’s time for you to step off the podium

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I agree. The thing with M+ keys, you need to time to get better keys so you NEED a way to help ensure you can time them in a pug group. That’s what rio is for.

If you run in a guild group, then they probably don’t care about your rio score. An exception to that is if they are pushing super high keys and want to try to time. When people in my guild try to time 16+ keys, I don’t bother asking if I can go. I know my limits.


his point was its toxic now its changed to io isnt a good tool lol just parrots what other people say

yeah, its honestly best to do this ive asked to do keys and the gentle way of saying no is so awkward lol


I mean, both things could be true. They are not mutually exclusive. Although would probably help in credibility if was mentioned in his original argument.

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Gear matters not. That’s the point.

If you look at the gear people are wearing in 15s vs the gear people are wearing in 25s…

Its the same gear.

but one of them isnt, and that was his main argument before, and now hes parroting a better argument (which isnt even saying rio is toxic, just saying its inadequate)

Same. Inviting a 400 score azralon fury warrior to your key would be like letting a random McDonalds employee perform brain surgery on you.

Gear helps, once you reach the gear cap and unable to further progress your gear naturally everyone is going to be having the same gear. At that point it becomes both gear and skill. More heavily weighted on the skill side.

“would you like fries with that” as he pinches the nerves in your brain

IO is a tool but like many tools it gets misused by tools

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eh people who have been doing 15s for a week or 2 most likely dont have all their bis

Sure, but the ilvl is the same roughly.

ilvl doesnt matter as much now, corruptions and right traits and essences matter far more, i have loot that could get me to 478 roughly but i run 475 and 474

Can’t view something as toxic if i never do it in the first place.

I think RIO is fine. I would actually try to build up experience in lower m+ before joining higher ones regardless of RIO. There are plenty of mechanics you can ignore on +10, but become essential to pay attention to at +15.

I do laugh at people who list their key with descriptions such as “+6 temple, checking IO”. Really? For your +6? Get over yourself.

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wish more people thought like this, if you dont even do the content then why r u commenting on how gatekept it is? lol

yeah thats a yikes, i 2 chested a 5 on an alt with 2 other dps who were lagging super hard (az players) and did like 5 million damage overall combined. As long as your healer or tank is competent i dont think its possible to deplete a 2-7or 8ish

Didn’t i was just answering the title.