Why is rio viewed as toxic?

People are taking the best available information. That’s all you can do in almost any facet of life.

leading in m+requires like 3 words, it is not stressful in the least and isnt even close to anything like raid leading

Historically speaking if Blizzard introduced their inbuilt RIO, it’d probably have less features.

GearScore is the posterchild of this. Back in Wrath, it gave score based on your slots. So a weapon would give the most GS, while capes would give the least.

So it was a more accurate representation of your characters level of gear than the current system which is simply an average of your ilvl.

RIO currently gives points based on difficulty AND how fast you complete the dungeon (3 chesting will give more points than 1 chesting), if you fail a key you get even less points and so on.

Blizzard RIO would probably just be “There are 10 dungeons, you’ve done 9 as a 15 and one as a 10. Your BRIO is 14.5”.

It’s impossible to track all those because it’s not in the API. You’re asking more than is technically possible from the developers.


I was reasonable. You clearly didn’t read anything or you’re interpreting it very wrong.

What does what toon I post on have to do with anything? A point is a point. Unless you were hoping to peep around and invent something to attack rather than focus on the topic at hand.

And I see no problem. I really don’t even know why I’m trying to justify myself to you anyway considering your conduct here and in other threads… you’re in no position to take any kind of moral highground.

Not picking someone is not the same as shaming. Get over yourself.

It’s my group, I can use whatever ridiculous standard I want. Who are you to dictate the standard for my key?

I mean, if you get screwed on the first few pulls of the season, can always use your own key and settle out your completion vs abandoned %

it would show if youve done actual content or not? have you done any content this xpac? your experiences of 2s requiring 2k io when even 15s dont require that seems fabricated

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Nobody said anything about “not picking” being shaming. I don’t know where you came up with that.

I’m not in any position to dictate anything nor was I trying to. Just pointing out the flaws.

All I’m sayin’ is what would be needed for me to consider it a useful / good tool.

We don’t have to agree, but it’s just my personal feelings on the matter.

there are no flaws if its my group. Its completely subjective

“raider io sucks” as a 62 DK is harder to accept vs one who is 120

You’re basically saying "yeah I’m a cutting edge raider just trust me :sunglasses:

We’re talking about the flaws in the system itself, not the symptom.

Oh honey, you’d have a lot of fun on reddit. Can’t armory troll there.

they know that their arguments mean nothing already, so if we could see that theyve done no content this xpac they would mean even less, but alas looking at someones armory is “toxic” even when its relevant to the discussion

Not all of us bads think rio is bad. I just have a nice guild that is fun and takes me. I am getting better though!

Why do you want to see my doctorate?

I’m a trained surgeon. Just trust me bro.

Last I checked this is general Discussion forums not Reddit

oh that explains everything forgot you were a redditor explains the way you post now and your excessive use of buzz words

I learned how to do surgery by watching House :sunglasses:

Not the point. The point is that its strange to me how people are on the edge of their seats wanting to armory troll people rather than focus on the points being made.

Awkward, that… is what an ad hominem is, FYI :wink:

Ive done a 5 and i got a nyalotha carry so my ilvl is now 470 why cant i do 15S???