Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Eh, I’m probably never going to be a raiderio/gearscore fan, no matter what sort of system they implement. I’d honestly never touch Mythic+ or Raiding at all, if blizzard didn’t physically lock stuff behind it. (Still salty that I had to defeat Jaina in BOD to get my bloody heritage armor)

The systems always feel like half baked concepts, that end up getting used improperly, and while it might benefit some, it seems to leave a negative feeling on many others it touches.

And all I ever hear is “Well it doesn’t give us the whole picture, but it helps, so it’s gotta be good.” thing over and over again, and it never gets to the full picture, nor attempts to, feels like everyone just settles for mediocre.

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He wouldn’t have bashed you first because you replied to him first


There were lots of people who refused to touch dungeons until LFD came out. I’m not saying make M+ a random finder thing but there can ways to fix things or make them better for everyone. It’s just kind of weird how there are so many who are so attached to scores and so pro “denied!” and at the same time, do not want the system to be better.

His OP asked a question, I answered. That’s how forums work.

No tool ever will give you the full picture, that’s why even if you have good logs (which are probably the most complete picture you could get of how someone plays), you’ll still trial for a guild before they decide to accept you or not.

PuG’s don’t have 30 minutes to go through each applicant and then spend a week or two trialing with them before figuring out that they’re good enough for a 15.

A shorthand method is needed so you can glance at the player, have an average estimate of his experience and decide whether to take them based on that.


That is the issue with tools developed by non professionals. They will never be anywhere near a finished product. They just go and say, welp it works. And leave it at that. No reason to put more effort into improving it. Raiderio would probably be less toxic if Blizzard developed their own version.

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Yes yes and yes. Thank you. Been saying this for months.

and this is how he started bashing you

Because you bashed him First

Can’t cry wolf when you’re the one started it

So I love these posts and the types that come to them sayin rio is keeping them out of something. I post on this alt because I wanted to see if there was any validity to the claims. I chose a fresh 120 on a class and roll I had never done serious content on. With in 3 weeks I had geared out(as much as I could), learned how to heal and broke 1kio. All pugs, not friends as my main is ally. The only thing I did notice was that breaking into the 10+ area linking my 2200+ main did seem to help push me over the edge. I promise you, the detractors of rio its not the addon…it is in fact YOU holding your self back.

Lol that’s not bashing. If I asked you why you play a Paladin and you tell me “I like onions on pizza”. Do I say “ok, thanks for clarifying!”?

Blizzard literally coded gearscore into game lols

Honestly, wouldn’t know why not. If you push yourself beyond the average player and become highest ranked. Why not give you a special mount and title.

I see where you’re coming from and I think there’s reasonable cause. Back during the Vanilla WoW days, people didn’t have access to information as quick or as quality as we do now. As a result, nobody really cared about what ilvl, class, spec, corruptions, essences, cloak level, etc., and things were much more open. But again, this is not due to community, it’s due to a lack of information.

With the high tech, high quality tools we have now to measure effectiveness, I don’t think we’ll ever be able to go back to the apathetic days of inclusivity. So unless Blizzard plans to completely strip players of the ability to get information, there will always be people who are going to get rejected based on things like RIO.

I’m don’t think anybody is guaranteed anything in this game, but I do think that players should have to agency to accept/deny anybody they want in the interest of making their key be the most fun experience it can be, whether that be 3-chesting it or just goofing around and getting it done. I myself actually prefer more of a struggle, more of a challenging experience, but I don’t blame anyone for wanting to get things done as effectively as possible.

It’s a numbers based game

Maybe. Or maybe the lower score guy will brick the run, there’s no way to know

It’s about hedging your bet, and trying to build the best group you can. Sometimes the decision points are subjective.

Everyone is on the same footing in their ability to get a key.

A person’s ability to network and build a social structure is going to be the biggest thing that golds them back.

No one is responsible for your game other than you.


Their group, their rules.

I’m 3700ish. I want to play with other 3700ish players. I dont want to play with Bob, who has just come back and only has a couple 15s under his belt.

On the other hand, i’m sure that there are lots of 4500 players who don’t want me in their groups, yet I’m not here stamping my feet calling them toxic jerks.

/pull 10
Pass lead to tank.

So hard


its just annoying, its word salad, he has to say a bunch of random buzzwords so he has some semblance of an argument

Eh, I’d still really prefer more information than it gives. Average interrupts per dungeon (in a sample of like the last 10 dungeons), % of keys abandoned, and average deaths per key (In a sample of the last 10 dungeons) would alone be just a little bit more information that could massively change who you decide to bring to a party imho.

Sure it is, he only bashed you because you’re the one started it

If you had either:

Been more reasonable

Actually posted on your main

Then this problem would not happened

Using your key doesn’t mean you have to do any leading (unless you’re the tank and even that can be worked around) just pick the first 4 and go. Put in your title learning group/completion only/need a leader etc. There’s always folks looking for groups like that.

RIO has its place. It does keep players like me out of the higher keys cuz I suck. So it does it’s job. I run with guildies, so makes no diff to me. They carry me. lol.

But it is no reason to whine about RIO. If M+ pugging is your thing, then get a better score for it.

again thats not really fair, if the healer is bad and tank keeps dying and wipes keep happening you will @#$! someone’s stats

Clearly what we need is a blizzard™ mythic dungeon credit score.

Tracks your:

Average DPS for the last 10 dungeons
Average Deaths for last 10 Dungeons
Average Interupt for the last 10 dungeons
Total % of keys abandoned while the timer was still active (Not a disband when the timers out)

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