Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Giving them solutions is indeed horrible

I’m sorry I’ll email Ion right now to send them complementary mythic gear in the mail next Tuesday to make it up

You’re not wrong.

There’s no way for io to track these things.

I run an addon that allows to save personal notes about players. If Bob sucks or leaves, I note that, then I never group with Bob again.

But io not tracking everything doesn’t invalidate the data it does give us.

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again, scroll up, i came to my own conclusion and you were there. And i will say “i dont want to take you” to higher keys because i know you cant do them. When im doing lower keys on different characters that are on your level ill take you, pretty simple

That’s fine, you don’t have to take anyone you want. But for you to ask a goofy question like “why are you still here?” after what you’ve clearly made your stance as is really… weird. It’s a public message forum. That’s why I’m stil here…

So earlier anecdotes saying its easy to get into lower groups regardless of io is useless conjecture, but your anecdotes are a “trend” worth paying attention to?

You mean you didn’t like the solutions I gave you so pretending to not see it is better

you arent going to convince anyone of anything(and you know this) and are just trolling and using unusual words to make your argument seem stronger than it is. most pointless posts ive ever seen

I want everyone to know that when I deny someone from my M+ groups, it is personal.

I have a little black book where I write mean things about their class, spec, ilvl and RIO score.

There’s a note next to someone (gotta keep names confidential) that says “haha, stupid hunter thought he could get into my group when someone with more gear and experienced applied? What a noob”.


All those reasons are easily to counter that is why he keeps asking you anything else

It makes it a poor tool though in a sense, It prioritizes numbers not people. Which means the good guy that wouldn’t leave your group with even just a slightest bit lower IO score doesn’t get the invite, while the dude that does get an invite ends up bricking your run. Because of this it sort of puts people unfairly at a disadvantage. Not to mention any sort of handicap a person would have returning to the game after being gone awhile. Because people will always prioritize the higher IO score joining someone will be pretty difficult. Leaving you to have to use your own key which unless you are comfortable being a leader can be rather intimidating, lets not pretend that everyone is suited to be a leader.

So someone engaging in the conversation is trolling?

What unusual words are you referring to?

Some of us are still waiting for such “counters”. And calling people names isn’t a counter…

they are playing victim, anyone can try

all easily solvable yet some how io is an evil thing destroying pugging

you still havent answered a question from my earlier post, 3 470 dps apply and 1 450 apply, who do you take? io is out of the question. Ill teach friends and people im talking to/trying to socialize with. if im trying to have a smooth run ill invite people i already know can do it.if you have a problem, for the howeverth-many time, run your own damn key. Nothing is stopping you. You have no counter because you have no argument. You just want to complain and talk down to the community and say how toxic they are. You have been called out for hypocrisy multiple times and yet u just come up with a buzzword and dont make a true answer. getting tired of this shtick arthas

the problem is a lot of stuff a leader may want to see is not really trackable. Like mechanics and interrupts yeah, but leaving? i dont leave keys but my friends do sometimes and its justified, when you are at 15 and higher you dont care about gear you want to time

you do realize… that if i take 3 people… however many people applied will be left out? lets say i deny the better guy and take you just because im feeling really good today, didnt i just exclude the better guy?

i agree with this, and rewards tied to it like arena ratings would be awesome

He’s gone on record saying its not an entitlement issue, yet is quoted earlier in the thread saying he deserves a 15.

Your anecdotal evidence about how io is disregarded at low levels is useless, but his anecdotal evidence about how we’re all picking our groups with the sole express purpose of keeping the little guy down is a “trend”

It honestly is r/toiletpaperusa level logic

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Lol. Make sure to write down healers who don’t heal your pet.

I have no idea – I personally thought it was the best Duran Duran album.

I’m pretty sure it was you who started to bash him because you didn’t like his response so he then bashed back

I think people aren’t being allowed to try and that seems problematic to some.

But the devs might see this as just fine and working as intended.

The situation I described with LFR might not exist in any way where M+ is concerned. I am certainly not saying that it is a given.

I am noting that RIO provides a constriction of content access through an easily calculable optimum and so it and those levels become mandatory.

With the hint of a movement away from mandatory optimums in character design, I am wondering if there will be a similar movement away from mandatory optimums where group design is concerned.

Or in other words, maybe you shouldn’t be guaranteed an easy run. I wonder if that will be weakened in the future.

I said nearly the exact same thing before.

It’s just not a good tool. While I understand it’s the only tool available and if you need to fix a leaky pipe and all you have is a ball-peen hammer, you’re going to use what you have. I just don’t understand the frustration and immense resistance in ways to improve the tool.

I got a second, MUCH larger book for that.

It has an entire chapter dedicated to those stupid Berserkers in Kings Rest.


No, I just questioned why.