Why is rio viewed as toxic?

You are correct. Nobody is entitled to take anybody in their group. It’s just interesting how the same people who say “I don’t want to take you!” are the same people who are so opposed to others getting there.

It’s super easy to go on and on about a sub-topic that was basically done to avoid anything further.

Don’t talk about Billy like that! He’s a person too!

You mean…


Like the forums, it’s the people that are toxic. They just blame it on the tool.

Not feasible since Echoes are locked behind weekly chest and there are limited avenues to access them.

I’m not sure what you’re proposing here, especially since you made the parallel to LFR. I don’t have an opinion on LFR, but if the problem is, as you said, elite raiders controlling access to end game content: We already have LFD (Looking For Dungeon). You can’t be denied from dungeons in LFD and get to experience the end-game content. Heck, even if you want to experience M+, you can do M+0s where nobody is going to reject you. This goes for M+ up until somewhere around ~+7. So nobody’s stopping anyone from experiencing M+.

I get the feeling the problem isn’t experiencing M+, though. Something tells me people instead have a problem with not being able to freely access the hardest content (which is the exact same as the normal content, just higher numbers).

This whole thread can be solved with one statement.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with transparency. Nothing at all.

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someone sees you can heal good in a raid, ok, how does that mean youll perform in m+ at all?

Yeah, but little did ya know bob has a habit of dropping groups in the first ten minutes if it’s not running perfectly how he wants it, and he also eats all the mana buiscuits and doens’t interupt. :woman_shrugging:

Again, we don’t have to agree, but my personal reasonings and feelings on the matter still stand.

Visions give 750 on a zero mask run

Or bump it to 5 masks for 470 gear

Now where’s the problem

Whose Billy, have you met Jim? Jim’s a good example target dummy… don’t know any Billy’s.

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What are you talking about? No one is opposed to others pushing their m+ score and timing higher keys.

My not inviting Billy to my key doesn’t mean I don’t want Billy to succeed. It just means that I chose someone other than Billy.

How deep do you believe that statement?

Is it cool if you got no privacy IRL? I mean in the interest of transparency. After all nothing wrong with it at all.


Sorry I know the two are not the same, and yet… When you make such an absolute statement like that. It’s pretty hard to resist.

You really gotta stop dead naming Jim.


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Nah, gatekeeping exists because it works.

I think timing every dungeon on a 15 will earn you an RIO score of about 1900. So if you recruit people with a 2k minimum, on average you’ll get people who are capable of timing a 15 fairly comfortably.

If you recruit with 3k IO, then that goes up to +20’s and so on.

Carries exist because 30 minutes of work for a payoff of 30-50k each is better gold per hour than farming and less complicated than playing the AH.

Also potions are expensive as hell.

Some of the 4k nerds in my guild have been making bank on Gallywix carries.

Even then it still lists Raid Progression, so you can always make the decision that a 1500 IO raid logger will be good enough because they’re also 12/12M.

Ultimately RIO doesn’t tell you to pick any player. The decision is always left up to the user.

Echoes aren’t locked behind Weekly Chest. The best way of farming Echoes is actually Arena and Visions.

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how is it use then? We put our key in LFG. We get 10-15 dps, 4-5 healers, 2-3 tanks in queue. We look at their experience and pick the best 2 or 3 that we think can help us complete the key. Then we reject the rest. The problem is ya’ll take the rejection too personally

people who want to hide it see something wrong because they dont want to have to grind it out like everyone else, enuff said

? i would like people to start doing keys, ive offered to run keys with multiple people, and rn if anyone wants do keys at the 1-9 range on my alts im down, i just dont think people should cry about having to grind like everyone else. Are you still here? its obvious you have nothing to stand on

Some people view anything with gatekeeping potential as toxic.

You’re better off ignoring Clark, he’s one of the most antagonistic trolls on the forums. No reason you give will be good enough for him. He’ll ignore you and attempt to invalidate your opinion no matter what you say.

Hell, he tried to ask me what my ‘real reasons’ for not liking Raider IO were, even after I listed them and stated that they were my ‘real reasons’ he just wouldn’t accept it and kept trying to invalidate them. So I slapped him on ignore.

I didn’t say “Annastasi”. I’m just noticing a trend is all. Threads like this are always fun. You start to notice little things.

Says the guy who asked for reasons, was given reasons and bashed people just because he didn’t agree.