Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Their is an option C, which is to overcome those people rejecting you and alter the paradigm such that their rejection means nothing.

I say this not by way of advocacy but as a simple observation of evidence.

When elite raiders controlled access to end game content we ended up with LFR short circuiting the gate keeping and opening up the content to a wider swath of players.

Whether you imagine LFR to be good or bad, it was a response to a constriction of content access and marginalized those players who felt they should be able to determine who deserved access and who didn’t.

That kind of solution may not even be possible for content like M+ but the idea that it is not those turned away but those standing at the gate that are the problem is not a new one.

Or he was carried / just spammed as many keys as he could to brute force the number of clears needed to get teh score up, depleting possibly dozens or hundreds of other people’s keys on the way, because the only ting that matters is getting that IO score up, not his actual performance. :woman_shrugging:

Like I said before, you don’t have to agree with my point of view, or why I dislike the thing, to each their own, it’s just my opinion.

I pointed it out because someone replied to my post, attacking a position I didn’t even hold to begin with rather than answering my question. People do not like knowing their fallacies.

No, you’re trolling and trying to use logical fallacies where they do not even apply. I mean, I get it. I’ve seen people who don’t know what else to say, so they just type stuff. That’s fine but at least try some quality.

group probably wont time a 15 if youre carrying a person unless the other 2 dps massively out gear it, and i doubt mythic raiders want to do a free carry 15 in lfg

legit thinks hes ben shapiro :joy:

Slippery slope fallacy.

RIO is viewed as toxic because the type of person that generally uses such a tool is toxic.

There is nothing toxic about the tool itself, it’s how it’s used.

Maybe Billy made hundreds of thousands of gold on his WoD garrison alts years ago, and still has it layin’ around. Or maybe billy is a bored casual whom has disposible income and sells tokens. :woman_shrugging:

Can’t tell me the carrying services don’t exist, just one look at LFG in the sheer number of advertisements states otherwise.

Still doesn’t change the fact the tool is not that useful of a tool in my eyes due to the lack of information it gathers.

There’s also the whole annoyin’ thing of having to log into their website to shut off your trackin if you don’t want any part of it, which is in my opinion really dumb and annoyin’ should really be an opt-in system, not an opt-out.

Picking someone with more experience is not toxic, nor does it make a person toxic.

I think it’s more like people don’t really care. This isn’t a formal debate setting so normal rules of debating does not apply. So it’s less people don’t like it, and more just an annoyance due to how unimportant it is. You are being just like that guy that can’t stop themselves from correcting every single spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistake. Nobody really likes that guy, that guy is just a troll.

There will always be folks who attempt to game the system.

Also, another point worth considering. It won’t tell me if Billy paid for carries. And yes, I know carries for high end mythic+ is expensive, but if the token price crashing so folks could get the brutosaur can tell us anything, it is that folks will spend a ridiculous amount of money on tokens to buy things in game, whether that’s an expensive mount, or carries to boost an arbitrary rating.

And that of course isn’t even factoring in the players who get carried by their friends for free.

This Billy is as fictional Reagan’s welfare queens. No one can play that much and still be that bad.

Experience is the highest correlation to success in this game in all levels of content. The theoretical loophole is just that.


Maybe I missed it earlier, but what do you use to pick teammates then? Or do you only play with people you’ve previously run with?

Seems silly to say that something being imperfect (basically everything is anyway) makes it nearly useless IMO.

It’s always going to be the flaw when experience is the best shorthand for skill.

Someone can do a job for 10 years and still be awful at it. But if you’re a betting man, and you’ve got to be when deciding between two candidates you have no personal experience with, the person who has done his job for 10 years is likely to be better at it than the person who has only been doing it for a month or two.

You’re not buying that many carries, with hundreds of thousands.

It’s currently about 200k for a 15

That’s over a million gold for all dungeons at + 15.

It’s the best thing we have available to us.

Joe has timed 5 +15 dungeons
Bob has timed 80 +15 dungeons

I’m choosing Bob for my 15 key

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Here I am selling them at 130k like a sucker. Stupid Frostmourne market.

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i agree with this but i dont think the majority use in a toxic way, just my opinion

its quite easy to tell when someone has been carried if you hold ctrl you can see all their timed runs, if they only time 15s thats an obvious carry, if you think its suspicious and they have only 1 or 2 timed 10 runs but a ton of 15s you can look them up and view the profiles of who they ran with, if they are in full raid bis again,obvious carry

it depends on how you read that information, though i agree i would like a few features but that might be too much data

That’s for all of them ONCE. No one looks at just the score, the number timed over 15 is more important.

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seen them as low as 100k on tich

Billy was literally a puppet made as a example figure just to provide an example of something I was trying to explain eariler.

obviously billy doesn’t actually exist. :roll_eyes:

I will always believe this is the real reason why gatekeeping and the desire to keep gear behind specific types of content is a thing. Nobody wants to give up their way of making gold.