Why is rio viewed as toxic?

I’d say leave it

Because in my threads when my OP gets flagged and then appealed multiple times I’m doing blizzard a favor probably

The first appeal is automatic, the rest have to be viewed by a mod

Then they can see who’s false flagging and swing the bat at them instead

And that’s what we call an “evasion.” I see what you’re doing and I’m not gonna take the bait. Have a nice day.

anyone can queue with no experience and no knowledge of mechanics in lfr stop being willfully ignorant it really doesnt strengthen your “argument” if you can call it that

again, all avoidable reasons and i came to my own conclusion

That’s called a strawman :frowning:

How dare you have something he doesn’t like!


Long story short: Raider Io is not toxic. The players who use it are.
You only have two groups. The largest group of users are the collectors, which his technically everybody who uses the site. The second group is also broken up into two distinct groups. First, the second group of people are the viewers. People who are raid leaders and such, and are looking at the data to make decisions.
At one point, I had a very high score on Io as a healer (Druid and Disc Priest), and I was always top in every raid, every pug, all the way into heroic and down to lfr. I was just geared and understood those two classes better than most. Simple facts.
But I know how to read the data. The guy who was inviting kicked me because he had no clue wtf was being said by the data.

THE IGNORANT people are toxic (for the most part) and the people who can read the data are (mostly) not toxic, or at least not AS toxic about it.
Both groups just want a good team, but one has no idea what they are talking about, while the other is making informed decisions.

That is all.

lol no it isn’t. I’d say “nice try” but I’d be lying.

Evasion. Refusal to answer the point.

That is your first mistake, expecting anyone on the forums to actually respect anyone else’s opinion beyond their own. There is no opinions here only facts, and non facts. So If I don’t share your opinion, then you must be spreading misinformation or trolling.

you put words into their mouth and made a false argument representing them, text book strawman

Addressing his strawmans are a strawman and an evasion of the point!

I literally quoted exactly what they said. Did I edit their post somehow?

You honestly don’t seem like an unintelligent person, I just don’t agree but why troll at this point?

Arthas: “straw man is bad”

Also Arthas: does straw man because can’t counter debate back

Honest question. Why does everyone here keep using these types of statements as if everyone here is suppose to be some high level debater following the rules and structures of a formal debate?

No one looks at just the score. If “Billy”
Has 40+ timed 15s, then he performs well enough. Maybe not enough to carry a group, but well enough on average.

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Ad hominem.

I think Arthas genuinely thinks he’s Ben Shapiro, and personally I’m just making fun of him.

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I can clear a 15. Player B says I’m not prepared for his 10. That does not compute.

I’m literally quoting exactly what you said earlier. Is this not entitlement?

youve been trolling this entire thread then ask that? anyhow they said its an opinion and thats their words,

because arthas wont stop using the same buzz words over and over again even if they make no sense