Why is rio viewed as toxic?

then get over it, or dont complain

But I thought these tools was a good thing? It wouldn’t possibly promote any sort of terrible behavior. Just be good and your Forum IO score will increase.

Rejection is a part of life. The solution isn’t to stop people from rejecting you, the solution is to improve to a point where the best option is to not reject you.
If more people looked at it from that perspective (from a self-improvement perspective), it would be positive on both a microcosmic level (the group itself) and the macrocosmic level (the community at large).


That’s not what I said, at all.

Multiple folks have come in here and made points that I’ve responded to, they haven’t done so in order to ‘prove me wrong’ or ‘rule my opinions as invalid’ they’ve attempted to create a dialogue and I’ve responded in kind. Sarama was one of those people. Nyaria is another.

Then you have folks like the OP and Clarke who have no interest in differing opinions and just want to invalidate the opinions of anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

If more folks were coming into this conversation like Nyaria, with tempered responses and a “Okay, agree to disagree” attitude, this thread would be far more tolerable.

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except io is an objective measure of your experience, how much youve done, not a scale on how popular your opinions are. i know youre trolling but still this makes no sense

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No, I was stating opinions.

2+2=4 is a fact. It’s an objective statement.

“LFR raiders are awful players on average” is an opinion. It is a subjective statement, as what constitutes an awful player will vary from person to person.


Then from now on anything related to blizzard/3rd party hate is banned because we’ll just downvote you so you can’t talk anymore

Covenants are gonna end up working out beautifully, I can already tell. :popcorn:


i agree but again im just baffled by the reasoning some people come up with, i have been a bit aggressive

How so. A friend ran me through a high level key. No expirence I was constantly dying and had a large repair bill. I’ve come to realize that that tool is to help you from being in content your. It ready for

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Eh, I wish they’d bring back down votes, just make it so they don’t hide posts.

Upvotes in the absence of down votes are so dumb

Oh stop being willfully ignorant … And calling out things that are not completely necessary.

The tool shows how many +15’s or higher someone timed. It also shows how many +10-14’s someone timed. It also shows how many +5-9 someone timed. And as you’ve said, it also shows the highest level someone did of a key. All of which the score is based off of. But wait, there’s more, it also shows your Main’s top score, so if you’re on an alt, people can see that at least you have experience .

It doesn’t need to answer every question … For example, if I see a 465 with a low score, no +15’s and only 3 +10’s , I know for an absolute fact they don’t have the requisite experience to help me tackle the +15 I’m listing. However, the other 465 player that applies to my group with a high score, has 10 timed +15’s and 10 timed +10’s and has completed the dungeon I’m listing in a +13. Well you know what? This person has a lot more experience and I only know that because of IO. Does it guarantee that person is perfect? No, of course not. But does it guarantee that a person at least has some experience running the content I’m running, yes it does. And that’s all it needs to do.


They’re going to be a mess for so many reasons

It’s easier to pretend that people don’t hate your opinion when you’ve got 0 upvotes instead of 100 downvotes.


at this point its not even opinions, just ignoring what it does and what the content is lol

This right here. Different people have different goals in groups. Someone going for their one weekly chest who never m+ otherwise don’t care if the key tanks. They want a “completion”. The timer means nothing to them, and going even 20 minutes or more over the timer is preferable to having to start another dungeon.

The guy who’s building his score to be able to push keys cares about the timer. An untimed key is worthless, so a smooth run is paramount. Starting a dozen dungeons to finish one on time is preferable to completing 12 over the timer.

The guy who’s gear farming on an alt cares about completing runs the most efficiently. The timer is a secondary consideration, only roughly correlated to getting as many drops as possible.

If you’re open and honest about your goals, it might take a bit longer to fill a group, but you’ll have a MUCH better experience. IO is mainly for the second group, but is useful for all 3.


Never was a real way to tell what a popular opinion is anyways. There is so many people with a bazillion characters and more then a single account and not above using them in a way to pad or destroy numbers. Both are pretty pointless if you are trying to use them as some measurement like that.

OP: Why do you feel this addon is bad?

Player: lists reasons

OP: then get over it, or dont complain.

I love how you keep reinforcing this…

Too bad that’s not what you said.

You said it was due to gatekeeping. That’s where I asked for your source.

Until the tool starts telling me Billy over here with the 1500 IO score, also never interrupts, has a ~32% chance to drop group in the first 5 minutes, and has made up 70% of all group deaths he’s been in (But don’t worry, he’s got a 1500 IO score) then it will continue to be a nearly useless tool in my eyes.

That’s my opinion. Please respect it :slight_smile:

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