Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Where’s your source on that one buddy.

Arthas is a busy man, he’s got houses to sell to Aquaman.

Thank you, wish more folks came into this with your level of temperance rather than trying to bash anyone who disagrees over the head with the wrongthink bat.

and then they wonder why the conversation keeps going around and around in a circle

Eh, I can sometimes get hotheaded myself on the forums, especially when having a bad day. Been doing my best to dial it back, but some people just want to instigate fights and argue for the sake of arguing, not for the further understanding of a topic.

Thank you for admitting to being part of the problem.

Using a strawman to justify your strawman is an extremely odd and unhealthy thing to do.

Agreed and it looks good from a small perspective.

Its only when you look at a larger picture that the negative aspects start to become evident. And when someone is tasked with the health of that larger view, those negative aspects could start to look like problems to be addressed.

There is a difference between bad and inexperienced

“Thanks for being the one person that actually agrees with me”.


ive been getting more and more heated over something this stupid i think i need to take a break

stuff like this, condescending trash by someone who doesnt even want to progress but wants to talk down to people who try is what makes me want to continue


People are reluctant to run their own group.

This could be for a number of reasons:

-They have never had to make a group and they haven’t even been apart of a group LFM

-Fear of being the leader

-Risking their own key. Some would rather not use their key than risk depleting it.

-Lack of knowledge about group comps and qualifications for a group for the key they want to run

The probably is the above are resolve with experience.

The three solutions that I can think of to these problems are:

Have more premade content while leveling. We could have mythic dungeons that you can’t que for but have better experience rewards.


Remove the ability to queue for dungeons (probably not going to happen but I bet it would help with the problem in your post)


Let people queue for mythic+. Maybe with additional restrictions like you can only queue for a key level if you timed the previous level. I think would lead to many additional problems but maybe it would be worth it.

Incorrect, I agree with them too. Unlike the guy in here arguing with people then agreeing with himself on his alts. wink

I agree with them too, so now there is two of us for a total of three. Oh no… =(

Got a source on that one?

It’s getting out of hand!

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Random new thread: “I hate gatekeeping on raider io”

Another person: “it’s not bad just work yourself up”

That OP in they thread: “he gatekeeps people everyone downvote him so he can’t post!!”

If this happened forums would be in chaos

The “blizzard sucks lul” people will be the ones posting constantly while the others can’t

Congrats you literally just like “gatekeeping” in forums


I posted my keys as “new tank” or if I was dps “my key your carry” when I first started m+ and it worked great. It’s so simple.

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You keep using this word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

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Don’t get upset with me because you were stating facts that you couldn’t back up. I was genuinely curious.

literally did the same, listed as “learning blood” and ppl were cool with my mistakes

I’m 100% OK with anyone not wanting to have to play wow tutor to random strangers in their free time, and I think people who expect it are so full of themselves.

My time is mine, not yours. If I don’t want to spend it teaching potato joe how how to do m+, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Joe can go learn in his own keys. No one other than Joe can stop him

Apparently you don’t since you keep doing it. That or you DO know but that’s how you argue. shrug