Why is rio viewed as toxic?

Yeah, because the average LFR raider is awful due to there being no gatekeeping.

The standards you set when making a group directly correlate to the quality of players you get.

If you only invite players with 3k IO, you guarantee that people will have done every M+ on an average of a +20 or so.

If you invite the first 4 people who apply to a group, you can’t guarantee anything about them beyond the fact they were quick enough to apply.

just ignore them, their entire counter is “DEFLECTING!” even though their points make no sense

I know right. I can’t believe someone would be so entitled to think they should be able to maximize the chance of success of their key.



Of course everyone knows that LFR is objectively easier, it’s just the groups that are the problem. If you could take a premade into LFR difficulty it’d be a cake walk


Versus “Can I get your opinion?” and replying to everyone with “you’re wrong and bad because it doesn’t coincide with my opinion”?

I know that. It was just funny with all these normal/heroic raiders trying to rationalize why people need to do LFR and can’t just do normal.

Gating is bad because it means they get declined for a group and if they’re not automatically being accepted to everything, that’s bad.

Also it’s straw-manning or something.

Determination exists in LFR, but not in Normal, Heroic or Mythic.


of course lfr is harder? its like half as much mechanically but some of the people playing lfr cant do mechanics even if their life depended on it

what? most normal/heroic raiders would prefer more people joining them, a lot of people who dont do lfr think lfr erodes the community

Oh, I get it.

Its just the thought that you have been branded and no amount of “good” on your part can change it.

The assembly line is already set in stone and you have to take your place on it like everyone else. Study doesn’t matter, effort doesn’t matter, skill doesn’t matter.

You slog through the ranks exactly like the least talented or motivated soul.

In effect, you are reduced to the lowest common denominator and some people take some exception to how simple it is to be dismissed out of hand by people who can’t possibly know you.

I’m not advising good or bad, but I can easily observe the effects of the flow.

You didn’t answer my question. Where does it state that the average player there is awful?

All raider IO does is show the highest level key timed for each dungeon.

it doesn’t show what your performance in the dungeon was
It doesn’t’ show you how many times someone’s failed a dungeon timer
It doesn’t show you how many times someone’s left a party mid-key
It doesn’t tell you how many times someone’s missed a mechanic
It doesn’t tell you how many times someone’s interrupted a cast
It doesn’t show you that the player has done anything, except time a key to a certain level.

That’s it, that’s all it does.

Overall it’s not a very good tool, and it’s used improperly by many people, and I don’t really understand why people seem to swear by it.

It’s really pretty easy to see why people dislike the tool, I’m just more surprised why people pretend to not understand why people could have issues with said tool.

I mean, if you don’t agree with the reason people dislike it, sure, to each their own. But don’t pretend like there’s no reason to not like it.


What if the Forums had a RIO score.

Dislikes would come back but not bury posts

Getting likes would increase your score, being penalized from moderation would decrease your score, as would getting dislikes.

Your RIO score would determine how many posts and threads you could make. Maybe this would be for the best. It would make people have to make more well thought out posts, or end up being extremely limited. The toxic people would all end up not being able to really post at all.

That would be the worst idea. Groups you see in group finder are personal groups. I don’t want to auto accept anyone. Nor would I want someone to auto accept me that doesn’t feel comfortable doing so. Forcing people to play together that don’t want to play together is the worst thing Blizz could do.

The solution is to take control of your own game experience. For the life of me, I can’t think of why people don’t get this.

True. Why should you be guaranteed an easy run? Is the point of the game to make sure you personally have a good time?

Because it gives them something tangible to use to shame or exclude people to inflate their ego.

The OP is a prime example. He asks why we have issues yet just wants to bash people for it, not because he’s genuinely curious.

if you make a good group everyone in the group has a good time


My group and my time isn’t the place for someone to learn. They need to make their own group and invite people who are interested in spending their game time learning with them.

That’s generally not how i want to spend my game time. I’ll continue to use io to do what I can to not invite people who have different goals/experience than I do.


The mental gymnastics required here are astounding.

“Why don’t you like IO?”

“It’s used for gatekeeping.”

“Gatekeeping what?”

“The hardest small group content in the game”.

“That content isn’t made for everyone”.

“I’m sure I can do the content, but I’ve never executed it before, but this random pug leader won’t take me over the guy who done is 40+ times successfully. That’s gatekeeping and bad”.

“Sounds like entitlement.”

“That’s a straw man!”


i was genuinely curious but i came into my conclusion around the 60ish post or so. I used to be part of this mindset, when you start actually doing the content youre being “gatekept” from youll understand


Just playing along, although I was kidding about the idea. That’s why I said option. Ain the group creator could choose it.