it’s mostly because some people are of the opinion that their spec should be getting a rework too
which i can get if you’re a hunter (mostly surv) or enh player
maybe even bears too for pve
but any other spec really shouldn’t be complaining because they’re in pretty good places
No, because they were changing the spec and straight said they didn’t want people to play it. Do you guy’s support blizz that much that you cant understand they could do something like that. Sv got a rework, that never happend to them, or anyone else.
Survival? No, maybe add a few spells added in their rotation. Which is essentially the issue with most melee doing too much damage, they don’t have actual rotations anymore.
Enhance is good. It’s just not cheese to succeed in shuffle.
Affliction is probably the most in need of a rework. It’s problematic in all aspects when it does well.
Sure do think millions raid. I see more than a million parses for a single difficulty level, on a single boss in a single week. No question millions are raiding.
I’m not unsure about anything you can look at the data we have, it’s objective and very clear.
Ret’s current rotation is about as many binds as enhance while needing to keep track of buff/debuffs similar to DK. Not sure why you think it’s simpler than most of the other specs. Not saying it’s the toughest to pull off or anything, but it isn’t what it was in Legion.
Ret is S tier? Just because you say so? Where is the evidence? You have none as per normal. Your word is as solid as stone tablets containing self evident truth brought down from the mountain side, carved by the hand of God. Or you are just spewing nonsense?
Zero evidence as always.
I love the comments about Ret players not able to brain. How is it so easy for you to disparage thousands of other human beings you know nothing about? What percentage of Ret players do you suppose you’ve even done endgame with? You haven’t come across a fraction of 1% of the Ret player base, and here in the modern world we don’t put down entire groups of human beings because a Ret or two failed you in a key or Raid.
Just more nonsense?
People like you would have Ret players forced to use different drinking fountains. No thanks I’ll drink from the rework fountain despite your objections. Knowing full well it’s overdue and I’m thirsty, along with all of the other Ret players whom are not inferior, nor superior, to any other group of players separated by class/spec.
So sick of the Ret hate in this community.
It’s ok for Ret to be good folks. It’s ok if Ret players are not idiots. It’s ok if Ret players are capable. Your world wont end if Ret is made better I promise.
Ret shouldn’t be OP or busted but it’s ok for Ret to be as desirable for PvE/PvP as the other desirable specs. It’s ok for Ret to have a rewarding/fun design in both PvP and PvE. I hope after Ret the Devs keep going and give all the specs some love, whether it’s general tuning or quality of life changes.
To the OP. I understand the frustration of feeling looked over, I do. I’ve long believed Ret needed real changes, many years worth. But why not be happy that they are doing reworks at all? They’ve done reworks for various class/specs. Some smaller, some roughly the same scale (not sure nothing final) and while believing Ret needed love I didn’t make posts like this. There’s nothing wrong with making improvements even if it isn’t your chosen spec. It’s not a “crime”.
Rather than be angry and decry the idea of Ret getting improvements, why not just ask for your class/spec to be considered for something similar? Why try to make the case that Ret players don’t deserve improvements?
I hope they give enhance some love, I think you need/deserve it. Ask for that rather than dividing the community regarding positive change that we need a lot more of.
i don’t think you fundamentally understand how survival functions if you think that but i wasn’t speaking explicitly for pvp since ret’s rework isn’t grounded exclusively in pvp
it has two capstones that compete against each other in usage with the third capstone requiring a 3 talent point cost to be worth using, an overabundance of fluff nodes, weird placement for certain nodes (vv for instance) and overall while it functions in pvp, it’s a shambling wreck in all other forms of content
You are so obsessed with trying to make enhancement sound garbage that you couldn’t even read my post with enough lucidity to see that I agreed with you.
Kek the worse class with only one dps spec who’s dps spec sucks is getting a rework n the jealous kids r throwing tantrums over it haha. Bring in more tears please.
theres not a single player above 2k rating that would tell you that ret was ever top tier.
i agree enh and ret both need reworks. but just because ret got one, doesnt mean you should downplay how bad their class is.
only reason ret was out performing enh, is because ret was more popular.
dont get it twisted. ppl love playing ret pally, however, they dont love playing enh
all these people are saying ret is good in pvp, and dont realize ret has the highest deaths is pve ands pvp lmfao
i see a ret pally and i know its a free kill automatically