Why is Ret getting a rework?

When they were a top tier melee by all accounts; while enhancement is the ONLY C/D tier melee?

Why is Enhancement getting a self-sustain nerf when we are already bottom tier?

As Max would say; Enhance is Swamp asz; Blizzard seems to have no desire to fix it.


Because ret/Paladin has an infinitely worse tree than shaman/enhance does with several design flaws that can’t be fixed with just tuning.

You’re also ignoring a large aspect of the game (pve) where there is not a reason to bring a ret ever other than damage where we also die to mechanics that literally ignore bubble.


Because streamers play Ret


Ret is mechanically broken, it needs major work.

They’re either busted to all heck or just not a threat at all; no middle ground.


pretty much literally this


Hopefully the guy that did the balance tree doesn’t work on your ret tree.
I think maybe they threw some darts to figure out some of our talent placements.
I think we have more double point talents than other other spec in the game at this point :stuck_out_tongue:


the shaman tree itself is really good and the class mechanically is incredible
we don’t need a rework like even a little

what we need is minor defensive tweaks
particularly something like lightning shield triggering a small damage reduction
or ethereal form being deleted and replaced with shamanistic rage


Wish they nerfed ret 25% like they did to demo

Define “top tier melee”.


They nerfed it by 30%.

This some downs


Enhance feels way better to play than ret does

Ret rework is mostly with PvE in mind. It just happens that they conveniently need a pvp rework as well.

It feels like Blizzard is finally starting to wake up to the fact that the whole modifier stacking, you have no sustain 80% of the time and suddenly you have god damage isn’t really super fun.

Ret rework is mostly a survivability issue but they have made a lot of changes so far moving away from burst and increasing sustain.

Idk enhance can live just fine in M+ and feels super fun to play. Other than being a global and a half behind at all times, enhance is one of the more interactively fun specs to play in the game, its just comp dependant. I don’t even think they are fundamentally bad it’s just what can they play with that makes sense is their biggest issue.


top tier melee? in what universe?
paladins are bad in high rating that is simply the truth.
They have problems the best paladins have been complaining for expansions already.
a spec is not good just because zug zug good damage lol


Iirc wasn’t paladin the last class to be implemented during the alpha / beta? It’s very obvious that pretty much every ability we got was just a pure copy paste from previous versions of the game due to the limited timeframe to work on it.

To make matters worse the supporting talents for the old abilities were just god awful, which is highlighted by the multiple consecration talents that just didn’t help to make gameplay fun and are vastly undertuned.

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Ret is not a top tier melee by any account. They are arguably the weakest melee after enhanceme-…

checks op’s most played spec

There, there. I’m sure they are working on enhancement next.


Many reasons:

  • They take no skill
  • They’re either trash or gods, they’re unable to be balanced
  • They have little room to make plays
  • They have little counter play
  • Their damage takes no skill to get off

At 2300cr I was in a shuffle with a Ret Paladin, he got 3 killing blows in 1 round. I’ve never seen that before in a shuffle.

There are a lot of specs I would say need a rework WAY more than ret, but they’re always ignored. Frost DK and enhance are 2 I would put at the top of the list. If I’m being charitable, its because pallys only have 1 dps spec. At least UH and ele are strong. If I’m being honest it’s probably because streamers play ret.

The whole demo spec got nerfed by 25%. Try again

Ya and demo is fine

P bad point chief.

This is completely cooked and wrong

No I think it was monk


you should make a new thread about ethereal form being replaced by shammy rage, it needs to happen asap

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And more will join them after the rebuild. Im not a streamer but I am leveling my RET to max level this week