Why is "refusing to play role" not a report option?

I just dont understand why they are so aggressive ONLY on typed chat but ACTUAL game-ruining behavior is given a pass.

Its not just queueing in the wrong spec. Its leaving keys, its honor and win-trading, its botting. Its behaviors that destroy the actual gameplay experience that do not even have report options.

Again, swear words have zero impact on the game. Swear words dont do anything. All you have to do is look away to not be affected. There is no remedy for a key leaver, an unholy DK in the tank role or other game-ruining behaviors.

Only the easiest automated stuff seems to be bannable and thats not right.

You got actioned for swearing, didn’t you?


It’s not actually “game ruining” to most people

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This is the best solution I’ve seen. Thank you for that response. I don’t know why I never even thought of this being the solution.

Why are you even bringing up politics? No one was talking about politics.

This just looks like you’re trying to lash out at everyone around you and are now doing so in some xenophobic rant.


More xenophobia
( auto correct strikes again )

Did you thank them for the quick clear?


The problem is it completely goes against the spirit of the game. You cannot even queue without selectiong your role in the game. If it was not meant to be ran with 1 tank, 1 healer and 3dps the dungeons would be designed like the Lost Arc dungeons but they are not.

Phobia. You meant phobia.

He definitely did :blush:

LOL :joy: yes xenophobia

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Timewalking dungeons are seriously so easy, if someone can tank as a dps spec and doesn’t wipe its fine bro, I’ve seen ppl do this many times just fine -shrug- Idk why its big deal, esp for something like this

No, I meant exactly what I said. This is the last response you will get from me as you clearly cannot stay on topic here whereas other players are capable.

I gave you some of my attention and I hope that is enough for you.

Oh no, the xenophobic guy who got actioned for swearing, got carried in a dungeon and is being as vitriolic as possible isn’t going to respond to me anymore! My poor heart can’t take it!

I’ll still be in this thread hun.


I mean I gave you an answer any content you can queue for is so easy that you don’t really need to play by the basics. The vote kick exists for when people try pulling this without being able to pull it off.

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Let me set the scene. Unholy DK queue’s as tank. He’s 1.8k io as dps spec. He runs into the dungeon and every single person on the first pull gets a red square around their bar. Healer immediately dies because he pulls the most aggro just off his casts. DPS aoe into the pack and immediately stuff goes everywhere and they die too. 1.8k unholy dk just kills things one at a time using the other 4 people as tanks for him and continues on in the dungeon.

Apparently this isn’t bannable. If I had said, “why are you playing like this dude just go as tank and stop being such an a**hole”, I can get banned for that word and that WORD has multiple report options. Causing everyone repeated wipes while he sits just killing things using the other 4 of us as tanks isn’t.

As the kicker, the unholy dk then gets bonus TW tokens and bonus gold for queueing as a wanted spec.

Did you complete the dungeon in a timely manner? You never answered that.

There have been times where I’ve seen someone kicked without voting yes myself.

So just saying, having a “duo” doesn’t protect you because it takes the majority aka three votes. You need three people to be able to safely grief a party.

For someone who’s tearing into people for having no idea what they’re talking about…


I left after the seventh failed vote kick after the healer did. I’m assuming he finished the dungeon but I am not sure.

I’m also curious why the other three people didn’t have a problem with it.