Why is "refusing to play position" not reportable but swears are?

Please provide your source. The Blizzard API tracks all this information and is then made public for the addons. Thats why they are able to “break” any add-on they want. If you want to source your response, please do.

If not, then all you are saying is you are pulling crap out of thin air and just because it came from your brain to your fingertips makes it real.

Blizzard can see everything. They can see every message youve typed. They can see messages youve typed then deleted. They can see who you trade with. They can see when large sums of gold go to a player they’ve never interacted with. They track damage and allow addons to store the details. They split the damage, healing and damage mitigation spells you click. They know every device you’ve ever logged onto the game with and what cellphone you use as well as every cell or internet tower you’ve touched while your blizzard apps were open.

Your argument of, “blizzard doesnt keep that information” is really really bogus.

Simply using your favorite search engine with the term “how does raider io work” will describe how much information Blizzard stores and passes on on the player side of things.

Given his… attitude, maybe CoD is more his style.

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but that has players better than him


True, but it’s got story modes, right?


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Do the new ones have story modes, i thought they stopped that


There is nothing wrong with doing content with high gear. There is everything wrong with stealing the tank slot, rolling in your dps spec, using the healer and his healing spells as your “tank” who soaks aggro followed by the DPS who die after the healer isn’t anything except completely OK by blizzard when it should be bannable.

Just because you are emotionally damaged and think you are the “main character” doesn’t mean that you get to just do wahtever you want when there are 4 other players of varying skill levels and abilities in hte group.

Wait, actually thasts exactly what Blizzard lets you do. In MY opinion,

If you want to play like that, get a guild group or talk about it before the dungeon. No way to kick for the first 5 or 15 minutes anyways so there is no recourse for players that want to ACTUALLY play the game other than leaving and taking the 30 minute timer penalty.

Wait, so soloing the dungeon as a fury in the “tank role” isnt tanking, cuz when it happens said fury warrior (me) has all the threat

Are you arguing that it is completely out of the realm of possibility and completely unfathomable that someone could TRY and do what you described but not hold the aggro?

Honestly, who raised you. What a failure

Well in that case its not an overgeared player facerolling the dungeon, its an undergeared garbo thinking he is an overgeared player, thats a completly different story

going to personal insults now aswell cuz your arguement has been completly flawed so far shows that you are handling this terribly

wow, what a 180.

From “ok your right he was undergeared shouldnt be doing that” to, “your argument is also flawed and what I said before is a lie”.

I can’t wait to get my prot twink TW set complete. It shall be glorious.

where did i say that what i said before was a lie, i stand behind it all becuase im not a coward

He has been doing it for hours and has at least 3 locked threads and was told to stop it by the Forum Support Rep from CS.


thanks kind sir, you have shown me that argueing with him is pointless and he will never understand what a MMORPG is! I will be leaving this thread now, have a good day everyone!


I think the one who needs a premade exclusively for content is you, not other people.


The developers do. Game Masters do not.

And then entered into the game, yes.

On the forums, yes. Through Discourse software, which isn’t Blizzard software.

Only when the trade goes through and is completed. They don’t see the trade open, nor what is put in before it goes through. Which is another reason why they don’t return gold when trade scams occur–they have to rely on the chat making the agreement vs. what the trade actually is.

Yes, because “X trades Y gold to Z character” and “X mails Y gold to Z character” exists.

Nope, at least, not in the GM tools. Developer tools, maybe (haven’t seen those), but not GMs. Damage logs are reported by the game client, which then tells the server what it’s seeing. Same thing with character locations and the like. That’s why speed or teleport hacks are a thing; they mess with the client’s reporting.

Developers have not given Game Masters access to that kind of information.

Yes, and GMs are given this information to assist with account recovery.

That’s a third party tool. While it works with Blizzard API, it’s not specifically Blizzard, so Game Masters cannot rely on it.

Please keep in mind, Game Masters are just first, second, and maybe third tier Customer Service. They’re combination IT, enforcement and billing all in one. They’re also not exclusive to WoW; they service all Blizzard games.

They are not developers, and only have access to the information that the actual developers want them to have. They are then given the directive that they can only take action based on the information that they’re given in their tools. And at this time, they are not given the information of what a person chose as their role or specialization when entering a dungeon.

Source: Blizzard Entertainment, LLC.

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Can we get a mod in here, please? Now he’s going after people’s mothers.

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I honestly wouldn’t know, I don’t touch US military propaganda if I can help it, lol.

I’m trying to think of any other non-MMO RPGs… DA, Witcher, Mass Effect… God of War? Assassin’s Creed?

Oh, I know. Undertale and Deltarune should be good for teaching him kindness.

If he doesn’t rage at the fact you can’t save scum Undertale, because the game remembers what you did in previous playthroughs.

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