Why is "refusing to play position" not reportable but swears are?

becuase its an MMO RPG, if your not ok with people being better than you go play skyrim or something


He doesn’t care about this game man. He’s just waiting for the Riot MMO.

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So at what ilvl is it appropriate to queue for a healer or dps spec in say…a +10 but then just play dps the entire time and never heal. Like, if i’m “way better” than everyone else in my key run, how much better do I need to be before ruining group content no longer matters.

You’re welcome to go to Irvine or Austin and see for yourself, provided they even let you in the front door, lol.

Given your hostility, I doubt it.

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I’d only wish living or entering that country on my worst enemy tbh.

that doesnt happen my guy, now your just making things up, if it does happen in a +10 its on your group leader for not looking at the persons spec before entering or inviting

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He’d need a travel visa and passport first. They’d have to let him into America, which would be a hurdle giving his frothing xenophobia for the country and its people.

I’m just using your example. You say it never happens but it doesnt matter. Its just another example from what you used to defend the position.

You are saying that at a certain ilvl, nobody has to follow any role they queue for. They may just enter group content with 4 random players and play as if they are the only one there as long as they are “way more geared” than everyone else.

In m+ keys when does that apply? Its the same dungeons literally, there are TW keys this week.

Ah, fair enough. Xenophobia is a heck of a drug.

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Yes, im 2.3k io and 297 ilvl i can solo normal dungeons with ease in fury, i do it often for quests or mogs, usually i get people saying “thanks for the free XP” or “thanks for the free carry” but every once and a while theres the person who thinks we are playing skyrim and gets mad with “why are you even in here with that much gear” cry me a river all you want its an mmorpg people will be better then you, deal with it

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Well, atleast somebody finally stood up for their convictions. I disagree with your view on this and, with over 10 million players quitting since WOTLK, I know I’m not alone. I do appreciate your honesty though its just unfortunate you never responded regarding the m+ keys. I hope I find your group on my main and play as if I’m the only one who matters :slight_smile:
I feel like your response to “why are you not healing” toa guy in even a +14 would cause your blood to boil if he said, “im too high ilvl to play my role I queued for. Take the carry”.

this happened back in WOTLK too bud

and again with the stupid example, people dont join keys in the wrong spec and if they do, ITS ON THE GROUP LEADER FOR INVITING THEM, you are not forced to invite ANYONE to your key

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Yes it did. It actually STARTED in WOTLK.

What has happened since then? Playerbase went from over 13 million active subs to todays numbers.

I dont like this game much either so I am thankful there are people like you still doing all you can to ruin the experience of other people and hopefully helping to continue the downtrend.

As you know, the more dead a game is, the more money gets poured into new content LMAO.

started in TBC actually friend, probably happened in classic aswell but to young to see that, overgeared people slamming lower gear content is part of ANY and ALL mmorpgs if you dont like it play skyrim

Then sorry, bud, but you’re wrong about what Game Masters can see vs. what players can see. The only log they get is “[23:34:55] Pnut enters Wailing Caverns” and then loot. Maybe the occasional “so-and-so boss dies, X loot.”

Could it say, “Pnut enters Wailing Caverns, no role selected”? Maybe. But that’s up to the devs. /shrug

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sorry didnt relize playing the game with good gear was such a rude thing to do

Skyrim now has Skyrim Together, tho’. :stuck_out_tongue:

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True true, i guess he could go play Dragon Age or something


My question to Pnut, if doing content with high gear is bad, what is the incentive to get said gear?