Why is PvP So... Yuck?

False, some of the best players in the game are dying to corruption mechanics despite also having the best gear.

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Clearly everyone who beats you is a no talent gear sponge.

I’ll tell you what’s wrong with PvP, I just have to do something real quick. I have all these honor points and no where to spend them.
Could someone direct me to the PvP vendor?
i CaN’t FiNd tHeM



That sucks. Guess they should have had Blizzard keep the gear out of PvP and this wouldn’t be a problem. Repeatedly.

No, I don’t have an issue with losing to any person but I do have a problem with losing to someone’s RNG proc (in instanced pvp).

I hate it when people stretch and try to make it seem like losing is the issue. It’s the manner in which I lose that bothers me. If I lose to a player and their skill, that’s cool. In fact, that’s awesome because I can go back and watch how they outplayed me. Losing to multiple void tendies is just losing to RNG - there’s nothing I could do to improve myself and surpass that situation in the future.

I’ll even concede that losing a close match to a better-geared player irritates me a little but even in that instance I can say “okay, I’m pretty sure when I am also 800 ilvl I’ll win that one”. But no, never going to be okay with a random proc doing the player’s work for them.


Right, but your assumption is someone didn’t work hard to get that gear so they could have an advantage when and if they get a proc. It’s no different from a trinket or an azerite trait. Those procs are part of the game now. Like you said, adjust.

If you want the game to be so clinical that it boils down to who pushes what button when then go play street fighter.

Also disable ATs and go back to having PvP vendors who sell pvp trinkets that are either stat on proc or on-use - like it used to be.

Your failure to understand that you can’t adjust to someone else getting a stronger RNG proc that kills their enemy for them is astonishing.

They don’t have to work hard. They can get a 430 (heroic dungeons and up) t3 void tendril corruption and use that to win when they normally would never due to lack of game understanding and skill.
Also, lol @ self-play M+ sellers doing that work for them as well.

Gear and random procs should never replace skill/ability in instanced pvp.

Having item effects disabled has always been the way to go I believe. I remember getting absolutely wrecked by every Arms warrior aping with Shadowmourne in 2s back in WotLK.

The issue with that was in Legion when classes were basically made or broke by legendary abilities.

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So you got beat by some WQ 430 guy? I don’t think a proc is your issue.

Either pay attention or stop trolling, whichever your issue is.


I tried that years ago and everyone stopped doing pvp.

You guys aren’t getting vendors and please stop asking. My liver can’t take many more shots, before I end up on a transplant list.

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Man I recently came back because I had the BG bug, but all this talk about corruption in PvP has me considering just taking off again and coming back when or if they get rid of these weird rng proc systems.


Oh shut up already. You pop up every time anyone ever mentions vendors. You’re more repetitive than the request itself at this point.


That actually never happened.
Pve items always affected instanced pvp.
Pvp gear only makes it easier to only pvp, it never meant that you had the best pvp gear.

Blizzard that just didn’t want to do a real class balance patch for 8.3. So that’s what we got till 9.0.

It was always kinda a joke this expansion, this expansion was get the items/trinkets that they didn’t nerf yet and abuse them. It’s kinda the same with corrupted, get the good ones and you’ll kill people. They won’t even allow corruption in their tournament but we have to deal with this xd

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Except they did care a lot until Legion happened.

it reminds me of the times of the pvp vendor in TBC and WotLK resilience to make a pvp.

Only this time there is NO RESILIENCE, THIS TIME NO WOW VENDOR. and from 8.2 and 8.3 YOU NEED ALL THE ESSENCE OF AZERITE AND THE CORRUPT STATS so that at least you are not liquidated instantly and it is a damage to the group in ramdoms BG’s or arenas.

it really was the worst expansion to do a pvp season in WoW, it is the worst and most unbalanced of all the Blizzard expansions so far.

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If you tell a lie enough you begin to believe it.

But where could they put them? They’re always so darn hard to find.

We will keep going unless they fix it

Join us or apparently die