Why is prot wog only 20%

Should be 50% nerf or more. Tanks don’t belong in PvP.


Have you ever actually hit a prot pally?
They arent much of a “tank”


Prot pallies aren’t why you’re 1600 in arenas. Sorry


He’s gonna need a wog

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Too bad wog can’t target peoples feelings

He’s gonna need a therapist

He can’t complain about an annoyance unless he’s higher than 1600? Why are you just trying to make him feel bad instead of actually adding to the discussion?

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because sub glad opinions on pvp really don’t matter

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I think it is 40% nerf with the new d ampening rule

Better not have an opinion on anything sports related unless you’re a major league player.

He’s complaining about something that doesn’t affect glad players anyways, so it’s irrelevant to them.

Also… glads are inherently .5% of the player base. That’s not a good representation of what the actual community perceives and enjoys from the game. If anything, glad opinions on pvp matter less to the game as a whole. Hypothetically, if 99% of the community isn’t skilled enough to overcome a really big annoyance and eventually everyone quits… only the .5% are left.


Because he is making statements like “Tanks don’t belong in PVP”. :woman_shrugging:


Once again, only glad opinions matter. Sub 2k is full of mouth breathers who can’t play well, why should their opinions be taken seriously?

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Why would their opinions not matter? Why would someone just because they’re above 2k just have the right answer to things that doesn’t affect 99% of players? Do all people above 2k just all of a sudden agree on everything? No? Then don’t complain that someone has an opinion.


We should rename this thread to, “do the opinions of people below 2k matter?”

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Summed your post up in 3 words for ya.

And the answer would be: Only slightly.

Only slightly.

It’s like saying only the chef’s opinion matters at a restaurant.


Socialism? Lmao this is a video game dude. Calm down the fascism.

Drakun Sanders over here once again asking for your CR donations to build a better future for those less rated

should be a 50% nerf for ret too

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