Why is prot wog only 20%

Because he is making statements like “Tanks don’t belong in PVP”. :woman_shrugging:

I’m not very good at pvp or anything but I’m friends with a handful of glad/multiglad/r1 players that have been on the game for a decade+ and they universally agree that tanks dont belong in pvp.

Times change.

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A quote from one of them was “playing vs a prot paladin doesn’t even register in my brain as an actual game” I mean they all still play and if anything the current meta has only bolstered the criticism people have for people who play tanks in arena.

I honestly really like that analogy

This but not ironically.

I can’t dunk. Should the NBA lower the nets because I suck and I’m not 6’7"?

It’s not that lower level players can’t have an opinion, but often their opinion doesn’t really hold any weight. Most of their game losses are due to egregious errors as neither side is coming anywhere close to playing their characters properly.

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You may not be able to dunk but you sure dunked him with that logic lol


Blizzard cares about money. They will wake up as subs drop…nobody cares about some neckbeard glad opinions in a corporate boardroom. The irony of calling someone sub glad a mouthbreather is pretty funny because i have an irl friend who actually is a 2x glad and hes literally 350 lbs at 5’3. Chill on the tough guy talk dude. Hes allowed to have an opinion regardless of rating.

The masses will eventually win. My sub is over personally because im done with wow but get out with that elitist bs. I used to be in an “elite” pvp guild on tich years ago and my god what a group of self massaging jerks


Bruh it’s early season and i just do lfg for fun. Why would i care about my arena rating rn. I’m not hitting glad, i already have max gear from rbgs.

I just hate WoG.

idk what ability it is but they i played vs one today as ele/boomy/hpal and they were immune to all magic attacks for like 10-15s

some kind of shield logo idk

Guardian of the Forgotten Queen 10 sec immunity…stupid when they use it with a balance druid and they melt you with convoke…

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you just pummel it, but thats how i know you are a trash player

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50% WoG nerf won’t be enough. Will still heal for 25k with wings and WoG talent.

Prot paladins healing their teammates for more than half their HP back to back shouldn’t be a thing.

Needs 70% nerf and EVEN THEN they will still be able to crit 15k WoGs. Think about that for a bit…even 70% nerf may not be enough.

yea while you interrupt it you get one shot by the druid.

have a retweet.

They do have a place. Sorry.


what world do you even live in? WoG only ever hits that much if you’re extremely geared, heal your teemmate at <5 HP, you have wings, seraphim, trinket, and increased healing weapon enchant proc and probably also have kyrian buff. average wog is 10-20k, every 6 - 9 seconds, 70% nerf would be like 3 - 6k, every 6 - 9 seconds, thats worse than dk healing. Max Wog i’ve ever sent is something like 40k in about 400 games

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I know man it needs to be like a 90% nerf… but will THAT even be enough? Let’s see… 10% of 50k is 5k… that means they’ll crit for 10k without bugs. Now with wings 13k. Now with talent and other buffs…

I think until 95% nerf to WoG happens prot will still he insane. Same with wet. So dumb.

are you trolling? lol