Why Is "Prestige" Attached to Achievements

MY take on it.

Never saw value to achievements. SKyrim and fallout 4 since modded these are even turned off. I have no achievements here really. with several years of play.

Both games are modded to be harder. and not stock boring most games hp spongy hard. That method is not hard, per se its…doing the same things 50 times instead of 10 to wipe an hp bar.

when I drop a dragon…its a modified dragon. AI does new and exciting things.

MY load order if jumped right into for an experiment by a new person would have them dead. often.

What killed me dude as they play my fallout 4 load. Oh…I put in a radiation sickness mod. The air killed you. next time your pip boy clicks alot…backout like…NOW!.

Rad x fixed your rads. It didn’t fix the tissue damage from the rads however.

I used to go on rants all the time about whether or not god exists whenever someone brought up religion. But one day I thought “Why? What end result will there be?”. The only possible thing that can be had by successfully convincing someone their faith is folly is making someone feel bad. I gain nothing from making someone feel bad, I lose nothing from them believing in a god so :man_shrugging:

So I try to do my best now to let people believe the things they want to believe to make themselves feel better. Got an achievement you’re happy about?

Time-sensitive content, FOMO, unobtainable things, and salt. These were the ingredients chosen to make the perfect wow player.

I’m proud of my ce achievements etc because I know I worked for them I really don’t care about other people’s achievements if I don’t know the person. If I do know them and I know they earnt it then I’m happy for them

I think people assume that other players spend more time thinking about them than they do.

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I used to consider aotc, ce and ksm prestigious, as well as glad titles and some of the ready for raiding ones too. I still see them the same, but I know with boosts inflating them it’s mostly meaningless.

I think I value the MT ones too but they just seem … Idk the word I’m looking for but, not as great as they used to be

Why I liked eve. None of this matters.

Hell its the low sp noobs you have to be wary of sometimes.

Bitter vets like me can find it hard to find fights. So you make bait alts. I am just a 1 year old char, floating in space. Oh I hope no one attacks me…

you see some people will wave off attacks when they see a 12 year old char. they will assume skill is there, combat drugs and implants. and they’d be right more often than not.

So you make alts. Profiles shows 1 year of play. Must be an easy target! or not. Char is 1 years old, you the pilot have 12 years experience. And since you make money…yeah that “noob” char is on combat drugs and implants lol. Its not the easy fight they planned for.

Oh yeah eve…whose slogan is “people are scum, and trust is a rare commodity.”

Who hurt you?