Why Is "Prestige" Attached to Achievements

The only achievements I care about are the ones attached to rewards like mounts and pets. Beyond that they’re just bits of data that are relatively meaningless.

This thread turned into a bunch of solo players bashing raid achievements because they can’t get them :joy:


Sadly that’s the Alliance tax.

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I agree to a certain extent. It seems like in the more recent expansions that they have turned achievements into a way to try and get people to keep playing longer and longer. There is absolutely no reason why there should be “Complete the X daily so many times” achievements. The Korthia slime quests are a good recent example. It comes off as lazy and unimaginative.

Achievements give people a sense of direction and opportunities to branch out from the normal play style. Doing Proving Grounds Endless Waves (30) and getting gold with a healer/tank spec doing DPS waves was and is fun, very comparable to mage tower content currently.

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Oh no, I certainly read it. What you wrote after that does not really affect what you said before that though. Your examples were KSM and AotC. You then said those achievements require zero effort, no?

Then you go onto praise solo achievements (fair enough)… presumably because they do require effort. So how can you say solo achievements require effort but group ones don’t?

I’m assuming, by the way, that we’re ignoring boosters and paid carries. If someone doesn’t want to believe that I earned my 1800 myself, then, whatever. Doesn’t change how I feel about it.

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I mean if ppl bought it, nah.

If ppl did it on their own sure.

You can imply someone bought the carry or someone did not, its your choice.

But thats why logs and io history exist. If someone parses well and has completed tons of 15s you dont need to rely on the achieve

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Uh, one of the primary points in the OP (and again, in that same sentence as well) pertains to boosting and how it takes 0 effort with a low amount of gold to get the achievements. I’m not sure what you read but it’s not at all lined up with what was written.

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The “prestige” (if you want to call it that in a video game…) lies in the action of achieving the goal on ones own merit, not the blinking ingame achievement. So i consider it “prestigious” if someone managed to kill Sylvanas on HC or Mythic. Not if they got boosted to it. But how can i tell the difference? For people that i care to know, i either know it or i can usually find it out. But for the most part, i dont care if other people boosted or not. If they just want the shiny mount and know they arent good enough or they just want to equip an alt, those are legit reasons to me.

If you really care to knowing some one earned it just look up warcraft logs.

You wanna know what my prestige is?

I just said “F*#$ it” and went to solo Lor’themar and his bros for an hour. Blood DK, Lvl 91 Heart of Azeroth. It was PAINFUL, but I did it and I am PROUD of that.

my pet one is Show Me Your Moves! while in a pug.

I’ll add one: simpler to get boosted than deal with pugs.

The prestige is there and most people don’t buy the achievements. From selling a lot of carries I’ve noticed a big trend in why people buy boosts. It’s not for the prestige for them, but rather they think they are able to do the content but just not getting invited. So they pay for a carry to get the initial achievement. Most of them realize it’s not gatekeeping but rather they just aren’t that good. So we see a lot of repeat customers after that realization.

This is the dream.

Unfortunately the company is the one that actually nurtured the toxic “leet” behavior in the first place and actively designs the game to pit players against each other.

Sigh. Yes. I see that, but you don’t state that boosted carries and purchased achievements are the only ones you think are zero effort. The way you wrote it makes it sound like all of those are zero effort.

I’m just trying to say many, many people have those achievements on their own merit and as such, feel some kind of accomplishment knowing that it’s their skill and dedication that got them there.

Just like irl, I know there are degree mills all over the world where you can literally buy a Master’s Degree or a PhD and toss that onto a resume. Doesn’t mean you have any of the associated accomplishment though. The vast majority of people though, don’t do that, hence the prestige they feel in their legit accomplishment makes sense. Then again, there are people who think even a legit 4 year degree is also not an accomplishment because of the sheer number of people with one.

Duh, yes, if someone buys an achievement I don’t quite understand the prestige there either lol.

This is what I wrote

Meaning, no effort for a low amount of gold (exchanging). Hope that clarifies it.

Sure. Yes.

Not always – this is the part that you DID NOT write and therefore imply that the achievement in general is effortless. Just because something CAN be made effortless, does not mean it always it.

So by definition the people who put effort into earning KSM or AOTC themselves reasonably feel prestigious earning that achievement.

Right, so, still not stating anywhere that people who earn those achievements legit (including KSM and AOTC) also should feel accomplished. Instead you actually create a situation where you invalidate the “prestige” of solo encounters precisely because people can still get them boosted, no? See how that works? You think those encounters are legit prestigious BUT acknowledge that SOME people do essentially cheat.

Yep, so, again, not stating anywhere that even those KSM and AOTC achievements are also still prestigious – provided they are earned.

Stop trying to make it seem like you were very clearly only speaking about boosted or paid achievements. Your post does not make that clear whatsoever.

If you really do mean that achievements that are earned by one’s own merit are reasonably prestigious, then we’re on the same page.

Not necessarily.

A player has AoTC but is only 1/10 in the raid, and that 1 boss just so happens to be the last boss? He got boosted.

A player has 1800 but backpedals and plays badly, not much different than a random BG player? He got boosted.

A player (mysteriously) has a few +15’s timed, but the rest of his record is untimed 6’s and 7’s? He got boosted.

The point is, it’s fairly easy to spot a carry. With experience you can tell the players that earned their stuff legit.

So that’s your opinion. Interesting.

Seems like a lot of effort for something that really doesn’t matter.